Tuesday, July 24, 2012

You are my everything (Gaara one shot )

It’s been two years since we got married im 19 now but it doesn’t feel right...
The first year was the best year ever we were dating for almost forever since we loved each other from a very young age .. I still love gaara but those past months kept me wondering if he actually still feels the same im staying at our house at suna. in 9 months I have seen gaara maybe 12 times and they didn’t even last an hour, he is always busy being kazekage I can’t talk to him at the office he doesn’t come home but rarely we barely keep in touch, when I was living in konoha my hometown I saw him even more than this, I can’t take it anymore although I love him I can’t stay here doing nothing being married to him by name...
I went out of the house to the training grounds I’m an uchiha after all I needed practice and by that I mean blowing up stuff, as I was walking in the streets people gave me fake smiles since I’m the kazekage’s wife while women glared at me and gossiped, this was the deal every time I got out, I had to give up my beloved punk kind of style to dress in those damned kimonos " I hate them " I whispered .
Once I got there I unleashed all my frustration and anger on the fake training figures the earth was shaking as I made my fourth chidori, my sharingan eyes getting heavier I was losing all my chakra slowly, I fell to my knees breathing heavily "i wanna escape this pain" I yelled the last part and fell to darkness ........
Ff next day
I got up still in the same place on the ground and my tears came out rushing out of my eyes " he didnt even notice I was gone , hhh what will happen if i die maybe he will know after a month, I’m not going to stay here and find out I’m going to my real home , to my friends to the leaf village and this is my last decision" I said determined , I went home took a shower , went to my room and opened the closet to be met by the damned kimonos again I growled and looked for my outfits I pulled a skinny jeans , a strapless shirt and it had a sleeveless black lace jacket on it , I wore a high knee sketchers and let my hair fall out of its normal kazekage wife look as it was always held up high , I straitened my black hair , and looked in the mirror putting eyeliner and lipstick my blue eyes shining with determination .
I got up and put the stuff that I needed in my bag and left it on the bed.. I at least had to say goodbye for the old days at the most i got up and took my bag walking to the living room I took out my ring and placed it on the table and wrote a note...” I had hoped things would get better by time but you never changed … I love you from the bottom of my heart but I can’t take this anymore so Im going to leave you alone so you can feel free again … good bye Gaara” i put the letter on the table and went out in the street were a lot of guys were staring at me with ajar mouths mostly blushing or whistling ' I missed this feeling hhhh ' I thought to myself as I was leaving to konoha I wanted to go back to being a ninja since I’m a jounin in team 7 .
It took me three days to reach Konoha as I reached there I saw my team Naruto and Sakura I ran to Naruto and hugged him so tight “who? What? “He was confused as he turned and saw you “Rika?? What are you doing here? What about Gaara?”he asked confused “it’s over ! Anyways I missed you” you hugged him again and then hugged sakura and cried “I really miss you guys a lot “we missed you too don’t care about him now I always didn’t want to let you go to Suna anyways “Sakura said really happy to see you.
Gaara POV
It’s been 2 weeks since I saw Rika it’s our anniversary I wish Rika would come see me I’m going to leave early today to see her I hope she isn’t mad at me we have been so far away from each other that I think I’m losing her. It was 5 pm so I went to our house but when I got inside it was dark and as if the house was really cold ‘where is Rika?’ I thought to myself as I went to the living room and let up the lights it was empty “Rika?” I yelled as I called her but I got no answer I saw a note on the table and her ring “ no way “ I muttered really scared of what was written in the letter as I opened it I felt my heart clinch “Rika?”I mumbled as a tear fell down my face “why did you leave me!!” I yelled as I crashed the tableware “RIKA!!”I yelled out of frustration as I stumbled on the floor it’s been a week since the date on the letter that means she left two weeks ago, ‘I have to get her back this cant end like this’ I thought about how to do that.
Rika’s POV
It’s been a week since I left Suna I’m getting ready to go to a mission with my team “Narutooooooooooo” I yelled as I glomped him to the ground “ah I can’t believe how long has it been since I felt alive like this “I said happily as naruto spun me around “we are going on an S rank mission you should be happy “ he said as Kakashi finally came “sensi where have you been ?” Sakura asked him and he looked behind him and I saw Gaara I was shocked and tried to avoid eye contact “the Hokage said we can set to go tomorrow now let’s leave them to talk alone “ Kakashi said “NO! there is nothing for me to talk to him about “ you said that and gaara looked hurt “plus Naruto is looking forward for this mission” you turned to Naruto and he smiled :its ok one day wont make a difference you know “ he patted your head and left with the others leaving you alone with Gaara “Rika” he whispered approaching you “no … don’t come any closer its already over between us so please leave me alone “I said as I turned to walk away he was stunned that he didn’t act for a bet then he followed me took my hand and spun me around then poofed to a more private place … we stood in front of the lack just gazing at each other “why are you here ?” I asked looking at the ground “I should be asking you the same question “ he said and hugged you but you stepped away “I needed to get away because I was hurting a lot “you said and sighed “I know I haven’t been around , and that I’m a very bad husband but you were the one who pushed me for my dreams how could I continue without you ?” he said as he laid his head on my shoulder “because I pushed you for your dream I didn’t want to take it away from you “ I said as I wanted to leave “no not true I have known you since we were kids and you always helped me and I aimlessly left you alone how could have I been such an idiot to give up everything for being the kazekage I don’t deserve it … that’s why I left Suna I handed my job to my brother Kankoru he will be the kazekage now and I’ll be the representative for Suna in here” he said that leaving me with wide eyes and a shocked expression “Gaara why did you do that ?” I asked now crying hard “ because I lost the one important thing in my life my love and my reason for living … I lost my beautiful wife” he said as he hugged you and you sobbed in his arms “I never wanted you to do that but I don’t if I should say this im really happy “I said as he smiled “ I know you didn’t but I want this because I want to build the family I always dreamt of having with you Rika .. I love you so much “he said as he got down to my level and kissed me “I love you too Gaara” I said as I hugged him.
We returned to my home in konoha which is now our home and had a very passionate night together as I woke up the next morning I prepared for my mission “don’t go hug Naruto every time you saw him “I laughed which is something I didn’t do from a long time with him “are you jealous “I asked expecting him to deny it or something “ yes in the matter of fact im I don’t like to see you in any other man’s arms I only want you to be in mine “ he said as he hugged me from behind .. let’s just say that morning I was late for the mission that I even came after kakashi and in the next week when I returned home I was pregnant with Gaara’s child who was very happy that he couldn’t stop smiling the whole day .
And so on we lived a very good life filled with love and passion.

Sheldon cooper one shot

Im penny’s best friend we live in the same apartment
Name :Caroline Williams
aperance : blue eyes brown hair
Job : theoretical biophysics, and an animator in the same university with Sheldon and his friends which they are my friends too.
Degrees: 2 masters and PhD, MD, PsyB, Sc.D
Age : 21
Obsession :anime , and manga , video games
Extra : I don’t like anyone to enter my room because if u go into my room you will only see manga books and video games and a lot of anime stuff since im an otaku .
Love interest : Sheldon
Me and penny went to the guys apartment so we can have dinner since we always go there to eat . as we got in “Raj you are in my place “ I said to Raj crossing my hands, he was sitting next to Sheldon. since Raj was drinking he was able to answer me “why is this your place ?” he asked “because its next to Shelly do I need to explain more ?”I pouted which made Sheldon push Raj a bet so I could set next to him , since Raj moved I hopped next to Sheldon “I swear carol sometimes you act like a six years old girl” penny joked knowing full well that I love Sheldon so she teased me often “hey that’s not nice” i said then looked to Sheldon who was staring at me and had a tent of smile on his face, and I smiled hugging him “aww Sheldon you’re so sweet “ I wanted so bad to be next to him, he stiffened and tried to lose my grip on him “Carol although I appreciate your kindness I would prefer it if you let go of me so i can eat since im hungry“Sheldon said I looked at him and nodded “im sorry “ I whispered … an awkward silence fell the room as we all started eating “so Lenard how is work with you ?” Penny asked her boyfriend , “ oh its going great , we are trying a new experiment with the geology department “he said and she smiled kissing him “aw my smart cute boyfriend" , I smiled happy that they are happy, when suddenly my phone rang “oh hello Tina .. oh about that … aha yeah sure I already have a costume ready I cant wait … hhhh ok see you there “ I hung up “a costume? where are you going ?”Howard asked me “oh it’s an anime convention “I squealed “oh can we come too ?” he asked again “yeah sure its for everyone there will be a lot of cosplayers “I smiled “cool I wanna go too “Raj said “lets all go then it would be great to meet others who has the same intrest as us " Lenard said “well I guess that leaves me no other choice but to go" Sheldon said as he put his food on the table , penny smirked “you know you don’t have to go, im sure there will be enough people there, and carol might get a date too since she is so pretty “penny said eyeing Sheldon “well I suppose I can go “he mumbled looking at me ‘ huh no way he wouldn’t be feeling the same way as i do !!! he lakes the understanding of emotions’ I thought and returned to eat my dinner .
FF next day
I was getting ready to go to the convention.I put on my lightning cosplay from final fantasy XIIIand I looked in the mirror “wow it worked better than I thought “ I whispered I looked so much like her , when I went out to meet the guys . they were in their justice of league costumes .when I came out to the hallway they just stared at me .. it made me feel uncomfortable “ whats wrong guys ?” I asked shifting my eyes to the ground “you look so real” Howard stated “that’s not true. by all means its just a fiction chara-“ Sheldon got cut off by Lenard “shut up Sheldon “ I smiled and started to go down the stairs as they all got into my car and drove we got to the even, and there were a lot of cosplayers who were eaither chatting or taking pictures “oh hello there “ a cute guy approached me he was super cute I began to blush “oh h-hello “ what is wrong with me I mentally slapped myself , the guy chuckled “you look so cute “ he winked which made me blush more , suddenlybefore I could even say thanks someone pulled me away “ come here Carol its more comfortable “ I looked to my right to see Sheldon trying to glare at the guy but failed miserably , which made me giggle “hey I was talking to her” the guy tried to pull me but Sheldon pushed me behind his back “and now im talking to her so I assume that you should notice that and take your leave if you may” Sheldon stood tall saying that , the grunted and left then Sheldon let go of me “mmm Shelly what was that ?” I asked him he looked anywhere but into my eyes “ I don’t know, lets do an experiment to confirm it “ he said as he kissed me on the lips my eyes got wide and I was standing there blinking tell I finally kissed back , Sheldon pulled away after a minute “im going to do some research and find out “ he stated “ are you serious ? Sheldon me and you almost had the same education and the same kind of life how can you not get it ?”I asked him feeling really upset “ I don’t know what you are trying to say “Sheldon said baffled . I growled and left him there feeling so angry because of him .
We left to go back home and the way back ride was very silent . once we got there I left without saying a word. “aw Carol your back, hey whats wrong you seem upset !” Penny greeted me at the way in , I couldn’t hold it anymore and started to cry blabbering to Penny what happened “oh im so sorry honey ill try and talk to him “ she said and I nodded leaving to my room and crying myself to sleep.
FF next day
A knock on my door wake me up but I was too lazy to get up I thought it was Penny so I let the person come in “ yeah come in “ the door opened and I heard a gasp .. I turned around to see Sheldon froze in his place “oh god I think im in heaven “ he said amazed at my collection “ Sheldon what are you doing here?” I asked I was sleeping in my bra so I tried to cover myself “ how did you collect all of these comic books and manga ? its too old and too new .. oh look you have all the Naruto manga collection .. oh god why didn’t you let me see this before “ he ranted and ranted “uh Sheldon close the door its cold” I said he finally took notice to what I was wearing “oh im sorry “ he said closing the door “so why are you here ?”I asked ignoring his continues questions . “ oh about what happened yesterday” , he said setting next to me on my bed “ I have come to the conclusion that I have feelings for you through my actions and your actions I think we will make a great couple considering our educational status “he said smiling “ so are you implying you want me to be your girlfriend ?” I asked confused “yes I believe that’s what Im saying”he stated “ but Sheldon you don’t like touching other people and you don’t like the idea of coitus and all the things couples do ?”I asked trying to make him understand what he is saying “ I know that , but its different with you ,the heat in my body always raises when I’m next to you, I find myself thinking of you more and more in a sexual way , I tend to miss you a lot and feel the need to have you next to me “he said as he hugged me and tried to kiss me “but I backed offI smiled and looked at his confused face “I just wanna put something out on the table … I love you “he smiled real big “ I think my hormones are getting exited .. I love you too Carol in a very unscientific way “ he said I giggled and kissed him and got on top of him straddling his legs “ oh Sheldon you have no idea how long ive been waiting for this “ I said as I stole his lips in a hot passionate kiss.

Takuma Onizaki (hiiro no kakera)one shot

Info :
Name : Tifa takagiri
Rank : anbu black ops squad leader
Village : konoha
Age : same as takuma
Love intrest : takuma onizaki
Powers and chakra : uses wind and lightening ( I know it cant work since lightning is with fire and wind is
with water but in my story it works ) and can since a person’s chakra from miles.
Extra info : it’s a story compined of 2 anime Naruto and hiiro no kakera
But will mainly focus on hirro no kakera since it’s a one shot on Takuma .
*story starts *
I was walking outside the village since I was going to visit my grand mom in the outside world , I had already took permission from Tsunade-sama our Hokage .As I reached with the bus to the village my grand mom is living in .I stood there gazing at my surroundings “and they say the sand village is a desert they should see this place” I mumbled as I thought about where to go .. then I remembered my grandmoms home is on the top of the hill . I started to walk there but suddenly I felt something in the air . I dropped my bag and looked around me “ there is some really strong presence here “ I said to myself then I looked around me and there were some really odd looking creators “ what the hell “ I yelled as I was about to go back and do a flip so I can land with my jutsu on their heads someone pulled me “keep quite or you will piss off the gods” he whispered , I was so confused that I glared at him “ if you don’t let me go im going to be pissed off at you and u don’t want me to kick-“ he cut me off as he took a paper and told me to repeat after him weird words. I glared at him and did as he told me maybe he knows about this more !. as I thought that a strong power came out of the paper and stopped the creators in their place the guy took my hand and ran ‘ he is a dead man’ I thought ran with him … we reached a small cliff and I stood there “ thank you but I could have handled that right without your help “ I said as I went down the cliff after him “ yeah right that’s why you were running the opposite way “ he was being sarcastic “ you don’t know what I was doing , unless you were inside my head to know why I ran back then that’s a different story “I said my face not showing the least interest in his words, he looked baffled and then scuffed and said “ im takuma onizaki you must be Tifa takagari “ he said “ nice to meet you and yes its me how do you know me ?”I asked as we started walking “ your grandmother sent me to escort you “ he didn’t even look at me as he said that and kept moving and I felt no need to talk anymore with a dosh bag like him .. we walked for a couple of minutes tell we reached the house , a girl came out and escorted me and the guy to my grandmother .. I wasn’t the emotional type of person im an Anbu after all I bowed to my grandmother and said only hello , everyone looked at me in a kind of a strange way “ that weird .. I heard you were the type of person that was always enthusiastic though you look cold “ the Takuma guy said “what happened to you ?” my grandmother asked “life” I simply replayed since she knows what Im and where I was .. she nodded then I sat down and asked her “ what were the things that attacked me in the forest ?” … she looked stressed then she spoke “they are gods , they are their to protect the seals “.. “ what seals ? and what kind of seals ?” I asked as I was now more interested, they cant be seals like the ones we deal with in our missions back at konoha ! “ they are seals that protect the artifact that are sealing the onikimaru powers which can destroy the world only a tamayori princess can strengthen the seal and help save it as you can see im weak since im weak so are the seals , I called you here because I want you to take after me and be the new princess your powers will come with time more than the powers you have now . and the shugogo house which contains five people who are assigned to protect you “ she finished and I was puzzled, confused, and shocked . “ please leave us alone “I said to everyone in the room and they looked strangely at me and left to leave me with my grandmother “so you are saying you want me to give up my life my home and my family just to come here and be a princess of some seal ?” I asked her and she nodded I was angry and upset now “ what exactly do you think your asking ? my dad told me to leave konoha to only visit you I cant take this job ! the seals are not the only thing that can destroy the world we have the akatsuki ! Madara Uchiha ! jinsh-“ I was cut off “ I know that but if you don’t help us here there will be no konoha nor ninja and if this power goes into the hands of evil there is nothing left then even the protectors who gave up their life to protect us will die “ she said sternly , I had had enough of this so I stood up and left the room without saying a thing . the girl from earlier came to show me to my room . as I opened the door I saw Takuma sleeping in a futon , I raised my eyebrow at him and came closer to him smirking as I did so . I got on my knees and whispered in his ear “ wake up sleepy beauty “ he got up really quickly bumping his head with mine which made me fall with him on top of me his face so close I could feel the heat coming to my face as he stared into my eyes , he didn’t budge to move so I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him up slowly and swiftly , he seemed to come to his senses as he sat up in front of me , he had a small blush dusting his cheeks he looked super cute and beautiful ‘ I cant fall for him ‘ I thought as his voice pulled me out to reality “ why did you do that ?” he asked me he looked kind of embarrass, I cleared my throat and avoided eye contact “ well your sleeping in my room and I want to change and sleep “ he gave a puzzled look and chuckled “ this is also my room so we are sharing it since I have to stay and protect you “ he smiled “ don’t you mean watch if I run away ?” I asked as I crossed my hands “ yeah kind of “ he stated proud of himself “ fine whatever I don’t care “ I said that and went to shower .
It’s been a few weeks and I have met all of the five guys that are supposed to protect me I find it funny I don’t need any protection. Also no one knows anything about my powers. I had devolved a liking to Takuma it seems I cant stop thinking about him . We all were sitting at the dinner table everyone was speaking and laughing while I was thinking about all of this. “ I’ve decided” I suddenly said getting everyone ‘s attention “ takuma who was next to me eyed me then smiled “ decided what ?” I stood strait then looked at them all then bowed “ im honored to be of a service as the tamayori princess but before that I have a request “I trailed off “ what is it ?” Shinji asked “I don’t need anyone to protect me I can take care of myself “ I looked at everyone but they didn’t seem so happy “its not up to us to decide we are merely tools to serve as guardians to the princess” Mahiro said “ that’s stupid” I was so blunt that I couldn’t contain it “ what the hell is this! to be tools!!! , you can always be whoever you want !are you doing this because of family ? if so who needs it, if you’re going to be controlled or dead ! even if it was traditions!! people never progress because of them I see no reason for you to act as tools.... you are here because you chose to be you can leave whenever you want “ I said sternly they all kept quiet as they couldn’t say a thing “im going to my room goodnight “I said as I bowed and left .. in my room I was preparing scrolls for sealing and protecting the seals that had the artifacts I need to protect them , I was gonna do the hand signs when the door opened and Takuma came in “you haven’t slept yet ?” he asked as he sat on my futon next to me , I shook my head and tried to concentrate it was hard since he was leaning so close to me . “whats this ?” he asked as he tried to touch the scroll but I held his hand “ don’t touch it it will suck out your power !!” I was afraid on him that I held his hand tightly. He took his other hand and put it on my hand and looked straight at me... he got closer to my face so close I could feel his breath on my lips we were close to kissing each other when suddenly the door opened wide and there stood Mahiro wide eyed “ehem we have a problem the burier around the sealing is being destroyed " , I looked to Takuma again and he surprised me by standing up so fast I felt a strong headache and stood up to only collapse “what the hell” I mumbled “ I think im somehow connected to the sealing” I mumbled again but they heard me “ lets go” Takuma ran “im coming with you “ I yelled as I ran after them , we reached there, and there was four people who were trying to get inside the burier and steal the artifact “ hey this place is not for you to wonder around get the hell out of here “ I yelled at them and then a blond girl came “im only here to take whats mine “ this girl that was called aria said . “over my dead body” I yelled again “ so be it , go “ she ordered he servants as they charged at the guardians and Takuma pushed me out of the way and they started to fight ‘ I got to help them’ I thought “its useless my servants are stronger and better you all will die if you don’t surrender “ aria said and as I looked all of the guardians were hurt real bad , I got out the talisman my grandmother gave me and chanted some words which got strong power and pushed the stupid guys away I used the second one and the third one and they were smacked down and everyone gathered around me “ are you crazy you cant use them all together you could have died “ Mahiro yelled at me “ you idiot” Takuma said , “ I needed to do something “I responded then looked to the girl “now leave “ I stubbornly told her but she looked at me confused “ leave ? You say weird things “she said and then out of nowhere a big swirl of strong wind rushed towards us takuma pushed out of the way and all of the guardians got defeated and were on the ground “ no no this cant happen “ I yelled “I told you to give up you have no power so I don’t want to kill you hand over the artifact” moonada said I stood back and glared at her “ you don’t have any idea what my powers are “ I yelled at her and unleashed my chakra “shadow clone jutsu” I did the hand signs and against each of them appeared a clone and I was facing the guy with the wind “ you know nothing about me “ I smirked and I did a chidori and charged at him sending him flying “ you may use magic but I use ninjutsu “ I said as I attaked him again I ordered the other clones to do a rasengan on each one but if I were to do that I will lose almost all my chakra “ I have to destroy you “ I said as all the shadow clones charged the same time I charged at the guy and we blow them as they fell dead , I felt my self go weak “ not yet “ I whispered as I looked at the girl she looked scared and was trembling “ I told you , you don’t know me “ I smirked “ who are you “ she was afraid of the answer “ I’m An Anbu leader “ I yelled as I activated my eighth chakra gate and all the strength came back again but I knew ill end up dead after this attack , I concentrated my chakra in my hand ,did a big rasengan and charged at her and pushed it through her stomach she had wide eyes as she fell to the ground . I stood there panting as I deactivated my gate I collapsed on the floor , I tried to get up and crawled to where my guardians were “ are you guys ok “ you could barely hear my voice since I lost almost all my chakra I could black out anytime now , Takuma tried to stand but he couldn’t no one could answer me I smiled the I saw nothing but black surrounding me I was unconscious….
I woke up in my room I didn’t see Takuma though I got up feeling better I must have gained back my chakra by resting a lot .. I got up and got showered it was 6:30 in the morning I have to go to school as I prepared I looked at the calendar I must have been out cold for two days . I sighed as I ate some breakfast and headed to school . at class I didn’t see Takuma either and I was really worried , as lunch break came I went to our usual spot the roof but when I got there I didn’t see anyone but sensed someone behind me as I turned they were all there “ you guys are ok ?”I asked as I looked at them they were uneasy, “are we ok ?” Takuma seemed really upset “of course we are not ok , we were humiliated , embarrassed and defeated “ he sternly said “but at least your safe now “ I was getting really upset now “ no you don’t know anything , we are just tools and we were supposed to protect you ! but the one who we were assigned to protect protected us how is that ok ?” Mahiro yelled I was surprised he said that “ I had already told you I can take care of myself and I don’t see you as tools I see you as my friends !” I was crying now the first time I cried since I was a kid “ don’t try to look deep into our hearts you can never understand us so stop pretending that you know how we feel “ Mahiro said as he and the others walked away Takuma took a last glance at me and left “ fine I wont and you well no longer be tools as you say” I muttered as Takuma heard but didn’t budge or say a thing and left . I went out of school to the house took my scrolls and headed to each seal I put the scroll on the ground raised an undefeated burier and another strong seal on the artifact just like the one they seal the tailed beasts with “ no way anyone can cross this place now “ I said as I headed to each seal and did the same , after that I went home to meet my grandmother , I told her what I did and she was happy “ great now we can focus on you gaining your powers as the princess “ she said “ actually since there is no enemies left and the seals are well hidden and safe I no longer need to stay here I have enough power I don’t need more “ I said as I smiled at my sad grandmother she knew it was the truth “ I need to go back to my home now “I got up and hugged her “ I will be there for you whenever you need me just call “I whispered as I kissed her forehead out of respect and got up to my room , as I got in I saw Takma there he didn’t look at me though he must be still upset because of his pride ‘ I thought so and I went to my closet I took out my katana and items I put them in a bag and started baking.
Takuma’s POV
I saw Tifa baking up her stuff , she can’t leave anyways we are pound to stay and protect her and the seals just thinking about yesterday made me upset , she took a pair of clothes and went to get a shower , a couple of minutes later she got out wearing shot shorts and a T-shirt with a weird vest on it , she looked really cute as her wet brown hair cascaded to her back and her blue eyes shimmered with determination , I need to ask her “ where are you going ?” I asked she looked at me as she was putting her shoes on and taking her bag “I’m leaving” she simply said . I got up and took he hand “don’t go wondering where ever you want “ I really didn’t want her to leave my sight “Takuma let go “ she said on the verge of tears was I hurting her ? I let go of her hand and she still wanted to go.
Tifa’s POV
As Takuma let go of my hand I turned around to leave again but I felt two strong arms take hold of me and pull me back “ T-Takuma what are you doing ”I stuttered he kept on hugging me , and I dropped my bag and turned around to face him “ don’t worry I will always be ok “ I smiled at him and he nodded as he closed the distant between us and kissed me. finally I can feel his lips on mine I kissed back with so much passion its going to be our first and last kiss . as he pulled away after a while I hugged him “ I wont take long ok “ I whispered “ I just need to do something “ I said “ but why did you take all your stuff” he held me tighter “ im a girl I need lots of stuff” I lied .the fact that I was never coming back hurt me but I need to leave so they wont feel they are tools bound to die . I gazed into his eyes for the last time as I walked away leaving him .
FF for a week
I was in the training field with Naruto training … I feel like someone else when im with him he makes me feel alive with his amazing spirit and energy “hey Naruto do you wanna go eat ramen ?” I asked and he smiled “ yes lets go but you will bay” he punched the air “ hhhh ok Naruto its on me but you cant go for more than 4 bowls “ I said and he looked disappointed which made me giggle” you never giggled like that before “ we heard a voice that I recognized well as I turn around I saw Shinji , Mahiro , suguru,yuuchi and Takuma , I was really shocked and I think it was written on my face since Takuma came closer to me but Naruto stood in front of me “hey stay away from my Tifa chan “ I blushed at his words which made takuma angry “your tifa-chan “ he mocked Naruto “ hey you move out the way she is ours “ Mahiro said as he stepped about ready to punch Naruto , when suddenly we were surrounded with Anbu “you who let you in here ? how did you croos into the village?” an Anbu questioned them “weapons down , bow , turn and leave” I was the boss here all the Anbu did what I said and left immediately , the guys looked amazed at me “ is that why you left ?” Takuma asked referring to me to be in powerful position “ NO ! its because I want you guys to be free of the stupidity of you being called tools” I yelled “Tifa-chan ?” Naruto questioned “its ok Naruto they are my fri-“ I cut my self short remembering what Mahiro said before “ they are people I know “ I said to Naruto and he nodded Takuma came closer to me I thought he was going to hit me or something when he suddenly hugged me “im sorry , we all are , its not that we wanted you to disappear “ he said and I nodded understanding him “ its ok” I said hugging him back , as he took my face and kissed me “ hey we are here “ Mahiro yelled causing us to break apart. “this village is great “ Yuuchi said “ yeah since we no longer need to be guards lets move here “ everyone started to chat at once thinking about it “ that’s a great Idea “ Takuma said “ hey are you guys serious ?” I asked them “ yeah we can gain strength I bet ill be stronger than you and this blond head “ Mahiro said “hey who are you calling blond head my name is Naruto and I will be the next Hokage and Tifa-chan is the strongest female ninja here you will never surpass her “ Naruto yelled “ true “ I agreed they all seemed to take this as a challenge “ ok ill show you “ Mahiro said “ yeah cool ill be your mentor maybe when you become a genin “ Naruto said laughing and I giggled happy that finally everyone is happy “hey Tifa “ Takuma whispered “ yeah “ I looked into his eyes “ I love you “ he said that smiling as he kissed me again , I blushed a hundred shade of red and kissed him back .. mumbling I love you against his lips but he moved and asked “what did you say ?” he asked me smirking “ I said I love you “I whispered “ I cant hear you “ I SAID I LOVE YOU” I yelled which caused everyone to look at me as I blushed real hard and hide my face in Takuma’s chest as he laughed along with the others.

takuma onizaki one shot

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;}
Being the Tamayori princess was starting to way you down ... Only because of one reason! ... Are you wondering what could it be? ... Well I’ll be more than glad to tell you … you were hopelessly in love with Takuma Onizaki one of the five guardians who are supposed to protect you. You and Takuma were really close friends.. the reason it’s a “were” is due to the fact that you two no longer are.
Since you became the so called Tamayori princess, he has been distant from you ... he feels as if he is only born to protect you! As romantic as that sounds its sure wasn’t, because he takes it as a job and always says that he is merely a pawn in the so called game of life. You got to say it drove you insane the way he treats himself! When you cherish him so much “what are you thinking of ?” a voice called saving you from drowning further more in the sea of memories, you turned around to see Yuuichi “ what are you doing here ? aren’t you supposed to be with the others, its lunch break ?”you asked him “well I could ask you the same question ..we were waiting for you but when you didn’t come , I had to come search for you “he nodded as he said .. your blue eyes scanned his as your light brown hair flow with the wind , you averted your gaze from him and turned so you weren’t facing him anymore ”im sorry I caused you trouble, but im alright so you can go eat now” you said but it came out more like a whisper .. you really were in a stressed kind of mood right now “ Miko .. I know what is wrong with you !” he sure surprised you when he said , and it made you turn so fast that you came in contact with his face that’s was dangerously close to you … you uncontrollably blushed, Yuuichi is really good looking after all , but if someone were to see you two right now in this awkward position , they’d think you were a couple or something .. suddenly an irritated angered voice called to you both “what the hell are you two doing out here, when we were waiting for you !!” Takuma yelled … your form retreated from Yuuichi’s and you sighed and ignored Takuma “he is what’s wrong with you” Yuuichi said before Takuma could reach you both, knowing that you wanted an answer for what he had said. But when you were about to ask him again you were roughly pulled by the arm to collide with a chest!! “IM TALKING TO YOU “he yelled to both you and him, Yuuichi sighed not feeling the need to go through a pointless argument with Takuma right know since he knows of his feeling for you. “ we were simply talking “ yuuichi said smiling as he left you both.” Let go” you simply said as you tried to free yourself from his strong grip on your shoulders, but he didn’t budge … “I’m talking to you” you pushed him a bet and he still didn’t move “what is going on between you ? do you like him ?”he growled , which made you raise an eye brow at his actions “ Takuma I don’t like him in that kind of way!! And there is nothing going on between us ! “ you were really stressed out and tired that you couldn’t take any emotional hits right now “fine” he stubbornly said as he let go of you “ let’s just go eat” he practically dragged you to the roof of the school, with his hand in yours . His warm hand in clasped with your own, made your heart flutter and the heat in your body rise. ‘how much I love this clueless guy’ you thought as you let yourself be dragged by him .
*Night time of that day*
You were sitting in the back garden wearing a short - shorts PJ and a tank top, just gazing at the night sky above, when suddenly you heard rustling in the bushes near by … and after a second Takuma came out wearing normal clothes not his school uniform he had a shirt that was a bet open exposing some really hot chest under it, and arms that were pretty well built. You blushed when he caught you staring hungrily at him. You cleared your throat and asked him “what are you doing here at this late hour?” he didn’t say anything until he came and sat next to you “ I …I was thinking about you … and found myself here “he said nervously , you giggled and looked at him blushing slightly , which made you blush in return “ oh uh why were you thinking about me ?”you shyly asked , and felt his hand go up your arm , which made you remember what you were wearing you tried to pull your hands to try and cover up a bet but he took hold of both of your hands in his and looked seriously into your eyes “Takuma?” you were confused to what he was doing now … he smiled a really gentle smile which lightened up his features, he came closer to you his face only millimeters away from yours ‘ is he going to kiss me ?’ you thought inventively, and your question was answered when his soft heavenly lips touched yours in a passionate yet gentle kiss, you were taken aback which made you gasp, and he took it as a chance to slip his tongue in your mouth making you moan and close your eyes, in response to his actions you tangled your hands in his hair and closed the distant between you two. What you have been dreaming all of these years off finally came true, as the kiss came to an end Takuma stared in your eyes “I couldn’t take it anymore” he said making you confused , but he smiled instead “I couldn’t take how guys looked at you ! and how they were trying to get you to be theirs ….. that’s why I flipped on Yuuichi today … I was just too upset because I didn’t want to lose you to anyone, you only belong to me and me only “ he said determined. You blushed heavily and nodded ”I love you Takuma, I have always loved you . Im only yours “you blushed and smiled “ I love you too Miko” he said sealing your new relationship with a kiss that took you to a whole new world .

hikaru hitachiin one shot


Name: Chiasa [one thousand mornings] Suzuki [bell tree]
age: 16
Crush: Hikaru Hitachiin
personality: Chiasa is outspoken, often times annoying to those around her with her opinions. Despite that, she is a very creative . Her parents are both very successful in the music industry, and they have little time for Chiasa. Chiasa loves to have events go her way, but when they don't, she can become very cold. Chiasa also has a lot of charm and dignity, though most would mistake it for too prideful. She is a very lazy character. Despite her laziness, Chiasa is very intelligent, but she tends to use her intelligence to stir up mischief and trouble. Chiasa is definitely a go-with-the-flow type of person. She can be quite sarcastic and funny 90% of the time and she is reckless, always putting herself in danger in order to feel that tiny buzz of thrill she likes. The only thing that seems to make Chiasa happy is her faithful guitar.
race: human
I was walking down the hall way to the 3rd music room where the host club lies, I had been working there for 2 years now, playing my guitar so the guests would enjoy their time. The reason to why I took this job though is because I love music, but also because my best friend Tamaki asked me too and I can’t say no to him. As I walked in I got glomped by Tamaki “ah please not here” I said as I tried to wiggle out of his grip, and as fast as I said that he was off of me I thought he went to his emo corner to cry, but then I saw someone dragging him away .. “Hikaru ?” I whispered blushing since I saw my crush, pulling tamaki away from me “aww want me to take a pic of that red face your making? “kaoru teased as I saw him standing next to me trying to take a picture of my blushing face. As soon as I registered what he was going to do I took his phone and put it in my bra then smirked “try and take it now “I eyed him as I was laughing. His face turned to a dark shade of red as he tried to avoid eye contact, but we were suddenly pulled out of our little game by a yell “HEY!!!” Hikaru dashed towards his brother” what did you do to her ?” he asked kaoru sounding suspicious as he looked from him to me I just smirked “oh he tried to ..”I trailed off catching myself before saying that I was blushing because of him…”what?” Hikaru didn’t sound so pleased as to why I stopped talking “nothing “I lied as I took the phone from my bra and tossed it to Kaoru “ don’t try anything funny” I said quickly as I shuffled away , Hikaru’s eyes widened “ why was your phone in her, in her, aish you know where?” he interrogated his brother. I walked faster as I set my stuff aside and put my guitar in hand starting to play catching everyone’s attention. But after a while I started to hear whispers talking about me! I listened carefully “why does she have to play here? Is she trying to steal our guys by catching their intention?” a girl whispered to another “I know right? It also looks like she has an eye for my Hikaru “the other girl whispered but as soon as she said that I stopped playing and glared at them. This seemed to make everyone look at me with confusion then they turned to where I was glaring and saw some girls shrinking in fear” Now ladies I must ask you to please leave the host club ! Insulting one of our members is like insulting us “Tamaki said walking to them ‘how did he know?’ I thought as I stood up and started to pack I was so pissed off that I didn’t want to stay here. Without Tamaki noticing I stormed off and slammed the door hard as I walked out ‘I should thank him later’ I thought. “Bitches” I whispered as I walked faster trying to get out of school. This was not the first time someone had said something like that about me. I sighed as I was about to walk out from the school’s door I heard someone yell my name “Chiasa!” I turned around and was met with none other than Hikaru “Hikaru?” I was surprised “yes why are you asking when you can already tell between me and Kaoru“ he chuckled “I wasn’t asking … I was just surprised “ I said quietly “Chiasa there is something that’s been bothering me and I wanted to ask you about it “ he sounded serious, I nodded for him to continue “do you by any chance like Kaoru?”He asked seriously and I think I saw a glint of fear in his eyes. I blinked once twice then started to blush real hard “so I take it from your reaction that you do ?” he sounded disappointed , I looked up to him real fast and shook my head waving my hands “NO I don’t like him like that “I said way to fast making him lighten up “actually I like someone else” I blushed even more “who?” he growled now looking at me intensely “you” I whispered really low “Come again?” he came closer to my face “I said I love you“ I whispered and he heard me this time judging by the color of his face. He put his hands behind my head and pushed me to him “ I love you too “ he said before his lips touched mine in really passionate kiss . I wrapped my arms around his waist so I can pull myself closer to him since he had his arms on my face with his warmth close to mine.
Words count 1000
Hope u liked it.

Neji hyuga one shot

Name: Ayame Hana (First,Last)
Crush: Neji Hyuga
Personality: Calm, funny when she wants to be, mysterious, sly, clever, and can trick you just like Kakashi~>:3
Race: Human~
Carrier if wanted : Ninja~
Chakra elements : Wind and Lighting
Info: She has a similar title to Kakashi because he's her adopted father. Her title is 'Copy Kitten' since she concentrates her chakra and attacks the enemy.
Story starts :
you walked to the Hyuga compound. Knocking on the door really angry after what tenten had told you. Well more like fought with you about. Hinata came out and saw the fool mood you were in “ayame what’s wrong?” your best friend asked really concerned “Hinata” you growled and she jumped“ I want to kill Tenten “ you said now tears threatening to come out “oh come on in so we can talk in privacy “she said taking your hand and pulling you inside to her room , as you were walked in you saw Neji training in the yard , when he saw you walking beside him he stopped training and stared at you . You glanced at him from under your bangs so he wouldn’t see your tears, you felt your heart clinch at his sight and you averted your gaze from him. (in hinata’s room) “so tell me what happen ayame ?” she asked gesturing for you to set “Tenten that stupid girl she told to me to back off “ you growled bunching the wall “ back off from what ?” Hinata asked confused “ Neji” you whispered “oh that ! and what did you tell her ?” she asked again knowing full well that you love neji “ well I bunched her and she said she was going to tell Neji that I like him “ now you were completely pissed off. Hinata tried to make you less stressed by trying to talk to you “ why don’t you just tell Neji you like him before she does ?” Hinata asked “well that’s easier said than done! What if he doesn’t like me back? I mean sure we are on the same team and we talk a lot and he helps me train, also my dad likes him sooo” you trailed off “ okay hinata im going to tell him” you said with confidence and rose up to your feet “I’m sure it’s going to be just fine Ayame” hinata nodded encouraging you. You smiled and left the room to go see Neji you saw hinata’s father and he told you that Neji was in the training field you thanked him and ran so fast to the field afraid that Tenten might go there before you. when you arrived you saw tenten and Neji talking ‘this is bad’ you thought . But she was crying ? Why? She suddenly ran off past you glaring at you in the process “ the hell was that about ?” you asked yourself a bet loud catching Neji’s attention he turned to you and smirked “uh oh” you whispered. maybe she told him … he came towards you and stood real close to you, you tried to hide your blushing face by playing it cool “what’s up Neji ?” you asked him smirking back but that smirk turned to a gasp as he put his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him and kissing you real deep, you kissed back as you snuggled your arms around his neck . After the kiss ended he pulled away and looked at you smiling for real! “What was that all about?” you were really confused right now “well I’m a genius and I can tell that you like me! Without anyone telling me so “he smirked even more , you blushed really hard “ so I get by that Tenten must have told you huh ?” he nodded “but then why was she even crying ?”you asked him as you leaned your head over his shoulder “ well she told me that you don’t deserve me and that she likes me more than anyone but I told her that I don’t care about what she has to say and that ..” he trailed “and ?” you looked up at him “ I love you “ he smiled hugging you . You were too shocked that you couldn’t utter words Neji hyuga loves you .
“its distant for us to be together” that made you giggle and look up at him “I love you too my destiny “ .
5 years later
You were still with Neji and he has been throwing some hints about you two living together forever. Of course this made you so happy .
Neji’s pov
‘I have to talk to Kakashi-sensi about me and ayame its only right to discuss it with him before I ask her ’I thought as I went to his house. I knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it and when it opened there stood ayame reading a book when she looked up to see who is it she smiled real big and jumped on me hugging me real hard dropping her book “ Neji I missed you “ she whispered in my ear making me shiver. I still feel the burning sensation of her touches even though we have been going out for five years. “I missed you too, but we were together yesterday “ I chuckled a bet holding her tightly in my arms “ I know but what can I do if I keep missing you so much ?” she looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes making a my cheeks dust in a pinkish color “ god I love you so much “ she said kissing me . I smiled in the kiss but we suddenly pulled away when we heard a cough, I look behind Ayame to see Kakashi standing there with his arms crossed “ at least take this inside ?” he said kind of uneasy since his daughter was making out with her boyfriend in front of the open door “oh hello Kakashi- sensi I actually came here to talk to you “I said as I let Ayame down “talk to me? ok then come on in “ Kakashi said letting me in “I’ll go buy some tea since we are out of it “ ayame said as she kissed my cheek and left. “ so what is it that you want to talk to me about ?” Kakashi asked me since we were now inside sitting in the living room “well you know that I love your daughter so much “ I said and he nodded “ I only want to take care of her and I want her to be by my side. So you are her father I’d like to ask for your approval “I said seriously, though he didn’t seem to get it “approval? for what?” he asked me as he looked interested “ I want to ask Ayame to marry me and I thought its only best if I could ask for your approval first “ I said and he looked a bit sad since his daughter will leave him “ knowing her she would say yes , of course Neji I can never find someone as good as you to stand beside my daughter “ Kakashi said smiling under his mask .
*FF to the wedding day *
Ayame’s pov
“I do “you said as you sealed your vows with an everlasting kiss of memories. “ I love you “Neji said as he swept you off of your feet holding you up bridal style “I love you too Neji “ you smiled and kissed him again .

Kakashi Hatake one shot

Name : Neko
age: 20
crush : Kakashi
personality : masochist, seductive, evil
past:An ex anbu from the village hidden in the sky who was exiled for killing her exlover is now a S ranked criminal
looks : jet black long hair , violet eyes, extremely pale complexion , 6' tall, slender
Naruto one shots : ninjustu and if there was a Kekkei genkai . Time freezing jutsu
Story starts
Living the life of a rouge ninja was never easy. I had to move from village to village and always had to hide . after all im known to be an S rank criminal !
Yes I have killed my ex-boyfriend when he had tried to take advantage of me against my will . so if anything it was self-defiance but my village considered him an elite ninja and for me to kill him was a big thing. They didn’t even believe what I said ! that’s why I’m heading to the leaf village. I had heard of the yamanaka clan which can look into your past memories. My goal was to clear my name ! I didn’t want to live this life anymore. If the hokage believes me then she can clear my name .
As I reached the gates of Konoha the guards stopped me “ who are you ?” one said which kind of looked like an emo hiding half of his face under his hair while the other stopped in my way he had a bandage over his nose “im here to talk with the Hokage “ I said confidently “well we don’t let just anyone who waltz in here talk with her so what business do you have with her” the guy with the bandage asked “ I don’t have time for this “ I said as I did some hand signs freezing time and making my way through the village streets to a big building which read Hokage on it . as I walked up the stairs I reached the Hokage’s office and then released my Jutsu . And knocked on the door “come in” I heard a voice say as I opened the door and walked in. the Hokage looked up and saw me and held a confused face “ Who are you ? and how did you get here ?”she said as she crossed her legs and arms “I’m Neko from the village hidden in the sky “I said as I looked straight into her eyes , her eye seemed to twitch and in a flash she was right in front of me “what are you doing in konoha ?” she questioned “I only need your help “ she didn’t falter as I explained to her my situation. “I see and what’s in it for me if I helped you?” she asked me after hearing me out “I will repay my debt by working as a shinobi to the leaf village “I said seriously “interesting! Of course you know you have to go through a lot of tests in order to prove your loyalty. That’s only if I agreed “she smirked “I know I just want my name to be clear and I want to work as a ninja again “ she nodded trying to think about it. 5 minutes later it was silent and then the Hokage looked up from her book which had information about me “ amazing skills, and amazing ninjutsu hmmm you would be a great addition to our shinobi but I must confirm your honesty to why you killed your ex-boyfriend “ she said calling out an anbu “ call inochi yamanaka, and Ibiki Morino here now”she ordered the anbu and he nodded leaving as fast as he came “Ibiki morino “ I smirked “ I see that’s a smart move” I complemented her “yes with this ill only be able to figure out your true intentions “ she said “its ok its only normal for you to do so since you’re a hokage “ suddenly someone burst in the door and pumped into me making me fall on the ground with someone on top of me .. I groaned and looked up to see a mess of blond hair, then two crystal blue eyes . I gasped and blushed a bet and the guy blushed too “ you’re so handsome “ I said without thinking then blushed madly “im sorry” he said jumping up and talking my hand with his making me stand up . Both of us blushing, then someone else walked in the door. I looked to the side to see a guy with gray hair and black eye and his face was hidden by a mask he lind of looked familiar “NARUTO HOW MANY TIMES DID I TELL YOU TO KNOCK BEFORE YOU COME IN” the Hokage yelled at the blond guy making us shrink in fear “but grandma Tsunade !! I don’t want to go on a mission with stupid Sai with his stupid remarks “ he whined “ Kakashi get him out of here !” the hokage was directing her words to the grey headed man ‘he looks really mysterious and his body is so Hot oh god what am I thinking ?’ I thought as I blushed harder at him and averted my gaze from his body he apparently caught me staring since he smiled under his mask. ”NO I WILL NOT MOVE FROM THIS PLACE UNTILL YOU MAKE ME GO ON A MISSION TO BRING SASUKE BACK’ Naruto yelled at her she got really angry and they started yelling at each other. I don’t know why but I started laughing hysterically, then when I was about to fall the guy called Kakashi held me in his arms. making me stop laughing instantly and blush a lot as he held me in his strong arms I looked up at him and everyone seeing their confused faces, I didn’t bother to move from my position as I apologized “ im sorry it’s just I’ve never laughed like this for a long time I feel so refreshed “I said striating myself up and out of Kakashi hands “thank you . I’m Neko nice to meet you “ I said bowing , Kakashi did the same “im Kakashi Hatake . Nice to meet you too “ I smiled and then looked to Naruto “ you must be the one and only Naruto uzumaki the hero of Konoha who stopped the akatsuki am I right ?” I asked the blond he looked so cute like a puppy “yes im and ill be hokage someday believe it “he said punching the air and I giggled “what ? you don’t believe me ?”he was hurt “no I do I do you’ll make a splendid Hokage “ I smiled and he blushed. Though Kakashi had had his eyes glued on me from the first time I introduced myself. this made me blush of course . Suddenly an anbu appeared and told the Hokage that Ibiki and inochi came. She nodded and signaled Kakashi to take Naruto out “come Naruto ill buy you some Ramen “ Kakashi said and I think I saw him wink at me before going out .”ok Neko its time “I was lead to a small room with weird equipment” let’s start” Ibiki said and I nodded .
TWO hours later
“ok since I now know the truth you will be joining with Kakashi as his assistance with team 7 until im fully sure of your loyalty “the hokage said and I nodded finally relieved. Kakashi came in, the hokage told him and he accepted “you will also be staying with Kakashi at his apartment. Since the destruction of konoha we don’t have a lot of places for people to stay in“she said and I blushed looking at Kakashi and nodding .
After a while me and Kakashi were walking to his apartment “so that’s what happened “he said after I told him my story “ he stopped and he looked at me smiling “ don’t worry im sure youll be good with me now “ what he said made me smirk “ are you saying you want me to be with you ?” I giggled , he seemed to lightly blush and snicker “what I meant was that you will be staying with me , but that doesn’t sound bad either “he then continued walking making me follow him . once at his place he told me to make myself home . so I went and took a shower coming out with only the towel Kakashi gave me . he looked up from his book his eyes well more like eye widened “what ? have you never seen a girl like this ?”I smirked as he set down his Icha-Icha book and started walking towards me “who told you this wrong info?”He said putting his arms around me “too hasty Kakashi we just met!” I smirked and put my hands around his neck, his face seemed to show a bet of sadness although it was hard for me to tell from behind that mask of his “wow you don’t remember me do you ?” he asked me and I looked confused “remember you ? Did I meet you before?” he nodded “5 years ago I was in the sky village and we met there we even went out for training and we became friends” now I was really confused “ the only friend I had from konoha was called Ekatah ? that’s why I wanted to be here for the most part I wanted to find him “ I said now feeling a lot of confusion in the air “whats my last name Neko ?” Kakashi asked “Hatake “ I simply replayed “and what does it become when you say it backwards ?” he thought he was smart huh “ it becomes Ekatah you think your so sma….”I trialed off as I realized what I just said “ you ?” I was shocked and he nodded . I put my hands on his face pulling back his mask and gasping “it’s really you “ I was really happy that I jumped on him forgetting what I was wearing and he quickly put his arms around me “ why didn’t you hide your face then?” ..” because I was on an undercover mission and I didn’t want anyone to recognize me , im sorry I didn’t visit back I really wanted too but I couldn’t !”he said sadly “ well we have all the time in the world now “ I said as I couldn’t help myself and kissed him he kissed back instantly .
“ I missed you “ I told him and he smiled as I could finally see a smile that wasn’t hidden by the mask “I missed you too so much “ he said making sure that this night will be unforgettable .

Shikamaru nara oneshot

cx.jpg Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;}
Name: Aimi Takara
age: 15
crush : Shikamaru
personality: very shy, yet extremely sarcastic on the inside and very laid back, though she rarely shows this side of her. Also very realistic type of thinking, though she doubts herself. Is more of a loner, but doesn't mind company of certain people.
looks: She thinks of herself as average, or slightly below, but whether she is or not is up to the person. She doesn't care, or refuses to. She has hazel eyes, thick messy brown hair, and pale skin with freckles. Dresses casually due to her hatred to go shopping.
race: human
carrier if wanted: An anbu, though she thinks she's too sympathetic and shy to do it, doubting herself.
Ninjutsu: Best with sealing jutsu and summoning jutsu. Lacks stealth ability (clumsy) and tends to panic in scary situations. By no means is she the perfect ninja, she still wonders why she bothers trying to become one, but determined to finish what she started.
kekkei genkai : Controlling clouds to effect weather!
Story starts :
you were walking to the usual place where you and your best friend Shikamaru would just relax and look at the clouds at a hill near by a river . When you got there you could swear your eyes twitched since you saw someone you dearly hated ‘Temari that bitch’ you thought since last time she visited you had a fight with her and shikamaru was the one to separate you both. When you got there you took hold of Shikamaru’s hand , Temari gave you a glare and you glared back “hey Aimi “ shika said as he put an arm around you, making you smirk in her direction “hey Shika” you said totally ignoring her presence you will never let her steal shika away from you. Even though he doesn’t know of your feelings for him, you are determined to tell him soon . “hey Aimi “ Temari said trying to sound nice in front of him, but you were not going to fall for it “oh hey sweety .. we missed you “ you faked a smile and you could swear you saw a vein grow on her forehead but she smiled none the less and then she said goodbye leaving . “ what was that all about ?” Shimaru asked you “what do you mean?” you tried to play dumb “Aimi I know you very well , that was so fake “he smiled “well I don’t like her ! and why was she talking to you ?” he raised an eye brow at your question “well she asked me out “ he simply said “WHAT ?? WHAT DID YOU SAY?” you yelled frustrated with him “I said yes” he yawned and stared at the sky, you felt your eyes start to tear up so you turned around and started to walk away “Hey Aimi where are you going ?” shika yelled “to hell” you yelled back stomping away “this is such a drag” Shikamaru muttered as he went home.
Later that night
*Shikamaru’s pov*
“there are no clouds “ I thought to myself as I got dressed for my date with Temari. I didn’t really care about her in that kind of way. I love Aimi but even though I can tell she likes me I still am not really sure. So this is my last hope.
I got out of the house and headed to the restaurant and while walking there I saw people looking at me weirdly and then looking at the sky. Some girls awed and others glared at me. This really confused me so before I was about to enter the restaurant I looked up to the sky and my eyes widened. “ I love you Shikamaru” was written in the clouds in the sky where the whole village could see. This was a confession that whoever wrote it didn’t care if the whole world knew who she loved . the first to come in mind was Aimi she is the only person who could control clouds. As that thought crossed my mind I found myself sprinting towards the hill forgetting about Temari and forgetting about anything else.
Your POV
You were sitting on the hell thinking about how to tell Shikamaru about your feelings, before he could go any further with Temari. While you thought that you subconsciously wrote “ I love you Shikamaru “ with the clouds you created above in the sky since there weren’t any of them tonight. But when realization struck you , you gasped and was about to run to your home so you could hide. But as soon as you turned around you saw Shikamaru there panting. It looked like he was running ! you put your hands to your chest afraid of whatever that is coming “Aimi” he whispered your name as he walked closer to you . When he was right in front of you he was about to say something but you stopped him “please…. Don’t say anything if you don’t like me just walk away” you said as you turned your gaze to the ground “ troublesome woman ” he said as he hugged you really close to him “Shikamaru?”You were latterly confused “I love you too” he smiled at you after releasing you from his grip and crashing his soft lips on yours, you kissed back and your tears began to fall. So shika pulled back looking strangely at you “why are you crying?” he blinked trying to make you stop and whipping your tears away “imnotcrying!ithoughtiwasgoingtoloseyoutotemari” (im not crying! I thought I was going to lose you to temari” for those smarties who couldn’t get it ) you mumbled through tears and sobs, he could barely understand what you just said . but he chuckled and hugged you again “the way you confessed to me … the whole village saw it … how could I ever go to Temari when I have you?” he smiled and you put your arms around him hugging him tightly “ I love you so much troublesome woman “ he said and you giggled “I love you too pineapple head “you said making him chuckle and kiss you again.

Neji Hyuga one shot

Name : Naminé
age : 17
name meaning : ocean wave
Abilities: she is always drawing pictures on her sketchpad, TenTen believes that she draws in order to capture the memories she needs to chain together. Because of this, the walls of her room are covered by pictures of events, places, and people that are in neji's memory.
love interest:Neji
Story starts
I was walking to the Hyuga compound to meet my 3 years boyfriend Neji . but when I got closer I could hear some talking in the back yard, as I came even closer I was able to hear some bets of the conversation that was being held there …. “I mean Namine is so clingy she always wants to hang out with you, or even cling to you. I know she loves you but let’s be reasonable here” someone said he sounded like Kiba. This made me stop dead in my tracks “hey don’t say that about her she is sweet and you are just jealous because she chose Neji over you” my best friend Lee said firing up “but she is always trying to put it out as if to let the whole world know they are dating !! the whole village knows so why is she trying so hard?” Kiba barked back at lee “wow your seriously stupid ! its only normal for people who have been dating for a long time to show affection for each other ! right Neji ?” Lee apparently asked Neji . I was tempted to know his answer ! was I too clingy? I mean yeah I love him and I have told him that a lot of times, but he never seemed to mind. Every time I would take his hand in mine he would smile and put his hand around my waist! Was he trying not to make me sad? “See he agrees “ kiba said seeing that Neji didn’t respond. I took that as my cue to leave before they can sense me. ‘how could he not say anything ? did he agree with this ? well ill have to find out tomorrow on our date ‘ I thought to myself as I walked back home thinking about all of this .
Neji’s POV
“Shut up Kiba that’s enough ! don’t speak about her like that ! she is my girlfriend, just cause she didn’t agree to go out with you in the past doesn’t give you the right to say that about her . I love her and I don’t care what you say, I happen to like the affection she offers me, and everything about her too. Your just trying to mess up our relationship so you could try to win her again ”I stood up and glared at him this was so not like me I was always the cool type of guy who would never go made just because of some words ! but he was talking about my Namine how can I stay still. “Kiba lets go “ Hinata came out and took her team mate out .
Next Day Still Neji’s POV
I walked to Namine’s house to talk her to a date since we planned it a long time ago. I couldn’t wait to see her. As I got to the door she was already waiting outside leaning against the wall with her hands crossed , a smile grow on my lips when I saw her “hey Nami-chan” I expected her to run towards me and hug me like she always did, but she didn’t she stayed still and didn’t even put her hand in mine as usual ‘that’s weird ‘ I thought to myself seeing her put her hands in her pockets which confused me even more ! why was she acting so different today. “are you ready ?” she asked not really looking at me and I nodded walking along with her. Something is wrong and im going to find out what it is .
Namine’s POV
We were walking through the streets of Konoha I was resisting every cell in my body that screamed for his touch. ‘I have to play cool and stay strong or I might lose him forever’ I thought to myself “Nami- chan are you ok ?” Neji asked me making me turn towards him, I smiled lightly and nodded “yes im Neji” I said which made a confused look appear on his features. Ever since we started dating I always called him Ne-Kun and he called me Nami-chan. He slightly nodded and continued walking, that was strike one.
Strike two was when we were walking and some girls awed at Neji but I didn’t do anything. In these circumstances I would always take his arm with my two hands and glare at them for talking about my Neji. This made him get a little irritated I don’t know why though.
Strike three was the biggest one . when we were at the restaurant I didn’t talk much and I didn’t set next to him either, I sat across him. Neither did I feed him like I always did. This caused him to put down his chopsticks and look at me seriously “ok spill it out “ he said firmly. I stopped eating and looked at him “spill what out ?”I was the one who was confused now I mean didn’t he not like me clinging to him and all ! “ you want to break up with me don’t you ?” Neji asked not looking at me. I almost choked out on my food. I looked at him with wide eyes “NO! What gave you that idea?” I was literally scared now my body shook and my hands trembled “you haven’t talked much ! you’ve been keeping your distant , Heck even when those girls were eating me with their stares you didn’t do a thing? So what do you want me to think ?” he really was hurt “I just didn’t want to be too clingy “I said avoiding eye contact “what ? Who told you this ? Was it Kiba ? im going to kill him now for sure. He is a dead man walking “ he growled and started to get up really angry. This was not Neji at all ! this was a type of him that I saw only when someone was trying to hit on me or hurt me ! “no Neji wait “ I said running behind him out of the restaurant. He stopped and looked back at me “yesterday when I was on my way to see you… I overheard your conversation with the guys, and when they asked you how you thought you didn’t say anything and I thought that you really agreed with Kiba “ I said staring him in the eyes “that’s stupid ! didn’t you hear the rest ? is that why you’ve been distant all day ?” you nodded “well if you must know I told him that I liked everything about you and that I liked the affection you always showed to me, didn’t you know that already ?” he said calmly, as tears started to swell up in my eyes, I looked to the ground ashamed of myself when two strong hands held me close to a certain body “I love you . I love everything you do or say . I could never be annoyed with whatever you do, well except for today, don’t ever do this again. Its distant for us to love each other and be together this is our fate “ Neji said as he titled my chin up to look at me he whipped my tears with his thump and kissed me. “ I love you Ne-Kun . I love you so so much “ I said as I sprung my arms around his neck in tight hug “that’s my Nami-chan don’t ever distance yourself away from me. Or ill be really upset I might kill someone ! and that might be Kiba since he is annoying “ he said pecking my lips again “I promise I won’t , let me make it up to you “I giggled and blushed “how are you going to do that ?”he smirked thinking I was just going to kiss him or something. “I want to go to a place where im the closest to you” I said blushing harder and hiding my face in his chest “ you mean?” he was blushing too now “yes” I mumbled in his chest still hiding my red face. He made me look up at him and he was smiling “I’m going to make it a night you’ll never forget “I blushed even more letting him lead me to his home and then to his room so he can fulfill that promise.
i hope everyone understood the last part lol

Aidou Hanabusa one shot

Name : Ade
crush : aidou hanabusa
personality : sweet, kind, shy, quiet, funny, creative, stubborn.
looks : medium long brown hair, paleskin, big green eyes,5'3"
race: human .
age : same age as aidou
Story starts :
I was patrolling the grounds of cross academy to make sure no girls were sneaking around when suddenly two strong hands wrapped around my waist , and gentle lips kissed my neck, I turned around and smiled at my best friend Shiki, “hungry are we?” I joked and he nodded, which made me giggle “what you didn’t eat pocky today ?” and he shook his head no. we first met when I was searching for my Pocky which he had!! we shared it and became friends from that day on. “hey Ade!” he turned me around so I was facing him and he put his arms on my shoulder and smiled that lazy smile of his “last time I tasted your blood I could also taste your emotions” when he said that my face turned beat red “you what ?” I was really embarrassed now “so its Aidou huh ?” he looked a bet upset “he is a player” he stated in a matter of a fact tone “HEY SHUT UP IM NOT” suddenly the all too hyper voice of Aidou rang through the night sky, I turned around with a shocked expression ‘he’d heard us’ I thought now feeling rejection coming close “I guess I should take my leave” Shiki said but I held his hand “ don’t worry “ he winked and left. I didn’t even look towards Aidou as he came closer to me “so you like me huh ?”he chuckled but I didn’t look him strait in the eyes “no I don’t !!!”Im going to keep denying “then why did shiki say he tasted your emotions and its me Adiou !!” he asked suspicious “why does it have to be love maybe its hate !”I said way too quickly without thinking, he seemed a bet upset and turned his head with a scoff “so you hate me ?” he asked looking towards the sky “NO I don’t !!”I yelled\whispered “then which is it ?” he was angry now holding my hands forcing me to look him in the eyes “uph its none of your concern I need to finish my shift “ I yanked my hands off of his grip and hurried away yet he followed me and in an instant was in front of me “ too bad Im a vampire and you’re a human, oh wait its too bad of a luck for you not for me since I caught you” he chuckled and held me too tight in his arms “guess I have to find out the hard way “ not long after he had said that I could feel his lips on mine kissing me passionately, I melted in the kiss and pushed him closer to my body with my hands on his neck and head, he smiled In the kiss and his hands went to my waist and back holding me closer if that was even possible, suddenly I felt his piercing fangs sink into my bottom lip but it didn’t hurt. He sucked my lip harder and I was starting to think of some really perverted stuff to do to him as I sank my nails into his back and moaned when he sucked my tongue next. “ I tasted them “ he smirked after he pulled away from the kiss his eyes wavering from red to crimson “ I tasted your feelings for me “ he said, I thought he was going to say that he didn’t like me or something but instead I felt his arms surround me in a romantic embrace “ ive always wanted to be close to you, to have you. I thought you liked Shiki ! but I guess I was mistaken “ he said with a sigh of relief “ I love you Hanabusa“ I said hiding my face in his chest while blushing, “ I know , I love you too “ he made me look at him and then he kissed me again. “Aidou!” I smirked “what is it “ he looked confused “ why were you eavesdropping on me and shiki ?” I chuckled and he seemed to be blushing out of embarrassment which made me laugh some more “your just my favorite vampire “.
Extended ending .
Ive been turned into a vampire ever since I lost a lot of blood by saving some of the night class students from trespassing vampire hunters. Kaname had turned me into a full vampire and now me and Aidou are in the night class and we share a room. Oh did I forgot to mention we fought today “Come on Ade I didn’t mean it I swear” Aidou was talking but I ignored him. He promised to stop flirting with the day class and he did but he had forgotten that promised this week and I kept quite thinking he may get the hint by himself but he didn’t!. so we argued today and I decided to ignore him. “can you leave me alone im trying to study here” I growled. And he shrank a bet. Ever since I became a vampire I became more stronger and respectful between the vampires since I saved some of them. I had gained a new friend as well his name is Max and he has a crush on me. “ yeah leave her alone player” Max said from in front of us with his green eyes glaring at Aidou but he was smirking non the less “you !! don’t meddle between me and my girlfriend “ Aidou yelled in the class room causing everyone’s attention to focus on us “oh you don’t have to worry about that cuz soon she will be my girlfriend “Max retorted earning a punch from Adiou which was stopped by Kain “CALM DOWN” Kain said warningly. I didn’t say anything through all of this. “ max shut up “ I said and glared at him and in return he shut up and turned his head. Aidou was so angry that he stormed out of the class “serves you right” I whispered to myself feeling upset and a bet happy that now he knows how I feel when he flirts with these girls. Class ended and we headed back to our dorms. Once I stepped into our room (me and Aidou) I saw a lot of his junk which he calls “treasure” spread out on the floor. I then glanced around the room and saw Aidou lying on his stomach on my bed. I raised an eyebrow and came closer to him but before I got too close I heard him say “I don’t want anyone to take you away from me” he whispered loud enough for me to hear. “ I thought you were sleeping “ I said crossing my arms but suddenly I was pulled into the bed with Adiou on top of me. My eyes were wide and he stared right at them. “im sorry I didn’t mean to upset you. But from the beginning of this week you and Max have been spending a lot of time together. I just wanted your attention, that’s why I did what I did “ he said lowering his head as he put it on my chest and he rested his body on mine hugging my stomach. “ you’re the only one I love Aidou. Max is just a friend but you are my boyfriend. “ I smiled as I said that and kissed the top of his head “ you don’t have to worry ill always stick to you” I giggled and he looked into my eyes “ill always treasure you cuz you know im good at that “ … “ I don’t know if I should be happy or insulted “ I chuckled looking at the junk on the floor “ oh no no I meant that you are my only treasure “ he smiled and that made me blush, he kissed me and we stayed like that all day.