Monday, December 20, 2010

zack fair one shot

you were sitting in the cafeteria watching him flirt with the soldier girls, you were totally pissed off ,and were more pissed when he waltzed his way to you ,standing right in front of you "so how are you doing Millie ?" asked Zack smiling down at you "fine" you said not looking at him but your sandwich , he saw that and took a seat next to you without asking and then cloud came and sat at the same table , cloud looked at you and was blushing "how are you cloud?" you asked your friend with a smile , he gazed deeply into your eyes smiling sweetly "I've been in a good shape lately  "he said and you could not miss the sound of growling coming from next to you , you turned your head to zack and he was glaring at cloud turning your head back to cloud he was doing the same ,you sighed pushing some brown looks out of your face and closing your blue eyes for a second "what's wrong ?"You said while taking a breath still eyes closed opening them zack's face was right in front of yours only inches away , you could feel the heat rise to your face that  soon turned red "w-wh-what are you doing ?"you managed to stutter as you moved back only to fall on the ground and to your great luck cloud throw himself under you before you could smash your head with the marble ground . he held you tight to him afraid you would leave " Zack what the hell is wrong with you ? "You yelled catching everyone's eyes , cloud stood with you still in his hands "I need to tell you something "Zack said coming closer " I love you " cloud suddenly said before Zack could say a thing you turned around looking at cloud wide eyes blue eyes staring at the mako ones shining with hope "c-cl-cloud..I..i don’t know ..what to.. say " you mumbled , suddenly someone pulled you away from cloud holding you "stop cloud, I told you I like her first  why do you and do this?"zack yelled , you pulled yourself away from zack and slapped him "how could you say that right to my face when all you do is flirting with all the girls here ?"now tears where falling down your face … after that said you ran to your room crying yourself to sleep .

next day you were walking in the town of the slums wearing this summer dress. it was so hot outside  so you walked to the lake and sat down there "Millie ?" a familiar voice called you looked up and saw Zack he came closer and sat down next to you " Millie the reason why I was flirting and doing things like that is because I wanted your intention I knew you were watching me so I acted that way" now your face glowed red as he knew you that you were watching him , his face came closer "you like right ?"he asked his hand reaching your cheek caressing it , you could only nod your head "that’s great because I love you "he said planting a kiss on your soft lips , you closed your eyes enjoying the moment as you kissed him back , falling on his back he took you by the waist with his wrapping his  hands around your waist and deepening the kiss … that stayed on until both of you were only left with nothing more than your under wears .*.^

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

len tao (one shot )

Name :Mimi Otaru
Age : same as Yoh
Looks :long black hair , pale skin and ocean blue eyes
Family : none they all died on the hands of Zeke
Event : after the shaman tournament
you walked back to yoh's home , it's been a week since the shaman tournament was over and you didn’t see Len , you might want to know why ….
Flash back
Len died right in front of your eyes rushing over to him you held him with your hands crying your eyes out, yes you and len fought a lot and you two would show you hate each other but deep down you loved him so much , and he knew because you once kissed him but he was even colder towards you after that , suddenly his lifeless body started to shake in your hands and he slowly opened his eyes , a smile grow on your face as he stared up at you pushing himself up he tried to stand up but failed causing you to catch him "welcome back" you said as you smiled but he looked away blushing a little though you couldn’t see his face .
End flash back
You sighed as you finally reached your destination Yoh said that its better for you to live with them since you don’t have a home and you're in the same school as him , opening the door you bombed into someone and fell back "sorry " you said thinking it was Yoh but when you looked up you noticed it was Len !! "what are you doing here" he asked glaring "I could ask you the same question" you said glaring back "oh Mimi your home , heheh Len she is living with us "Yoh said "I didn’t know that" he enquired looking at you when someone wrapped their arms around you from behind rising you to your feet ,and a smooth voice talked "are you ok Mimi?"you turned around seeing none other but lyserg holding you tight , everyone knows that hehas a crush on you , you smiled warmly and turned in his arms giving him a hug "I haven’t seen you in a while now" he whispered holding you tight "me neither "you looked in his eyes "what is this? Are you two dating?"Len growled , Lyserg shook his head a no " unfortunately we are not " Lyserg said , and whit that said Len took you out of Lyserg grip and held your hand dragging you out of the door , you were so shocked you didn’t even react , as finally with the nigh fell over the sky he reached a lack and sat there with you "why did you do that ?" you asked calmly not looking in his direction , minutes passed and he didn’t answer " I should go now it's getting late "you said standing up and getting started to move , but some force held you back in your ankle letting you slip and fall in lens lap " what was-"but soon a pair of lips crashed on yours , you were so surprised and shocked that you didn’t kiss back after seconds passed he let go of you "I don’t want Lyserg to hold you tight I want to be the one who does that "he said coolly , you blinked thinking if this was all your imagination , he smiled a rare smile and held you tight thinking that you already was surprised " I love you " he whispered in your ear making you shiver but grow a wild smile on your face looking at him you smile and kissed him so passionately that he fell backwards with you in his hands "I love you too linny "you giggled at his face and he smiled kissing you back .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

you are not lying Kaname oneshot lemon

You where running after the killer of your parents , being close to Zero helped you with the weapons manner and him being in cross academy helped even more , he is human alright but he is wanted for justice and you shell give him a spare of the banishment they will give him in court you will end his life , as you ran he reached for the night class dorms bad move he will draw vampires now , yes you know about them because you where once saved by kaname and since then you fell in love with him but you want say nor act as you care , as he ran you two reached a dead end there was a party being held in the night class and he stopped "you can't kill me "he said as you held the gun in his direction its not hard to kill "you said by now every head turned in your way "then shot" he smirked "you'll bay for what you've done I will empty my gun in your body "you said as you held up your gun to his face and shot him the scent of the blood rushed throw the place making the vampire go mad and one approached you , so you took out your vampire killing gun "if you want to be the next one be my guest " you growled but he stopped and bowed as everyone else you looked back to see kaname "lest talk" he said as he started walking ,"I have nothing to talk to you with "you said as everyone gasped about your cold and drain voice , you know you are not in his leag so why try , kaname looked as cold as ever just the way he stared at you made you in pain so you started walking back throw the forest to the day class dorms "stop" a cold voice said but you knew who it belonged to , it belonged to the man you deeply loved , you wouldn't let your gourd down as you knew he would never accept you as a human lover "I told you to leave me alone so many times !! is it hard to get it to your head "you snapped "I don't know what's your problem with me but causing a scene like that and leaving is very rude of you" he said calmly "will you see! I really don't care what you think! he killed my parents my job was to capture him dead or alive so I took the first suggestion now if you excuse me I don't have time for your mental games "you said and turned to leave but two strong hands wrapped around your waist "and what do you think you're doing exactly ?" you asked coldly "did I do that much of a thing to make you hate me this much?" he asked leaning his head on your shoulder .."you being a vampire makes me.…sick" you spat but he turned you around and placed his lips upon yours you were taken aback by his actions that you gasped letting him roam your mouth , you wouldn't allow this you're not a toy to him he can play with and throw , so you pushed him away and slapped him ,he was confused and another feeling was written on his face but you didn't know what "stay away from me , don't touch me im not your toy "you yelled as you ran , you finally got to your roam closing the door and lying on the bed "I wasn't playing around" said a voice all too familiar "how'd you get in here , why can't you stay away do you want to suck my blood that much ? "you parked , he only smiled and walked over sitting next to you on the bed "on the contrary It's not my intention to suck you dry from blood I'm here to clear things up I. Know you may hate me but I don't , it surprise me that you're the only one I feel content with , you're the one that makes me calm and more open your-"you cut him off "are you high or are you drunk?"you asked confused of his actions, he beamed a smile and shook his head " then why are you acting wired ?!!" you asked on the matter of Fact tune "that's what people do when they are in love " he said that and you just stared at him taking that all *in "oh now i get it this is what pure bloods do when they want to kill and turn humans to a level E no wait unless you want to finish me already "you said glaring at him "I cant believe you girl im saying I love you and yet you are saying that I want to kill you ?"he asked confused "why should I believe you?"you asked as you stepped closer to him your faces inches away "what should I do to make you believe me more than this ?"he asked then without giving you time to replayed he kissed you again so passionate it made you lose balance and falling on the bed with him on top of you , you finally listened to your heart and kissed him back, and you could feel a smile grow on his lips , "you don’t know how much I wanted to be with you, to feel you , to kiss you , I was going mad seeing how much you tried to avoid me how much you hated me –"he was cut off by your lips "I never hated you I always loved you but was afraid that you wouldn’t feel the same way "you said looking away from him ,but soon you could feel a hand on your chin turning your head to face him ,"its wired how do you think I love you and I don’t care if you are a human "he said kissing you passionately , you couldn’t hold anymore as you started to unbutton his vest and taking it off then your hands moved to his tie ripping it off he smirked and turned you over so you are on top of him he broke the kiss and took off your top leaving you in your bra , your hole face turned red as you but your hands on your chest and fell on him trying to cover yourself "your beautiful you don’t need to be shy in front of me "he chuckled "you looked at him with a small smile "come here "he said and held you close kissing you again as his hands found there way on your back taking of the bra you gasped giving him the chance to slid his tongue in your mouth and exploring every inch he reached , you couldn't help but let out a moan as your hands slid under his shirt trying to take it off although with the position you two were in it was hard he felt your struggling and moved so he was on top that gave you the chance to finally get rid of the annoying piece , you gazed at his will belt chest and six pack almost drooling he chuckled lightly and got closer to your ear " you like it "he teased making you blush even more …the two of you now where rid of their garments leaving you two naked hw went down kissing your neck and nibbling on your soft spot his hands messaging your breasts earning some long moans from now and then … his stick brushing against your thighs every now and then making you want him more "Kan…me I want …you "you breathed as he smiled at you nodding his head .. he positioned him self in front of your entrance taking a breath "are you ready Kaia?"he asked , and you only nod trying to forget how painful it would be "don’t worry ill be gentle with you "he said and closed the gap between you two , you took hold of his shoulders as he pushed himself in you the pain was so much that you screamed but his lips covered yours instantly , as he stopped moving he waited a bit until you calmed down and then he started moving again ,you felt so good the pleasure was so great that made you moan and grunt every time he thrust harder no need for you to say go faster because he already was moving hard and fast deepening it every time "oh …" you moaned loudly he groaned and you could feel your walls tighten "kaname…im going to ..cum" you breathed "me too "he said going faster …and soon enough you two cum and screamed each other's name , he moved aside and lied down next to you gathering you in his arms "don’t leave me ever "he said kissing your forehead "I wont "you said smiling and hugging him tightly .

its only you (lelouch one shot)


'he must really like her , because for him to kiss her like that is just… ' you thought about when you saw lelouch kissing shierly in the rain a couple of days ago he saw you but you ran , you are best friends with him ever since he was a kid , with his prince like life ,you went with him when he left fearing life after your parents death, all of that made you fall for him as the years passed but you knew he didn't feel that way , maybe your actions sometimes spoke of your feelings but never the less did he act or did a thing , you wished to hold him close and kiss him , to feel his warmth next to you holding you , but no , he would never do that , before you saw him with shierly kissing ,you'd call him for days and he wouldn't answer ,he didn't show up for school either ,and when you went out to walk under the rain because you love it , it happen that you saw him .
sigh 'I think it was obvious he tried to ignore me how foolish of me to think he would actually care , he -'your trail of thoughts got cut off by you bumping into someone "im so sorry "you said getting up but he was on top of you "it's ok May" said Suzaku "oh hi Suzaku "you smiled at him he was a good friend of yours "hello" he smiled blushing at the closeness between both of you , you giggled as he got up "it's good to see you , i was actually looking for you "he said smiling "really!! why ?"You beamed a smile Suzaku was with both of you and lelouch and when you found out he came back you were so happy "i was thinking .... Maybe..y-you'd like to go to dinner with me tonight?"he asked his hand behind his head , you thought about it and it was ok why would you care about what others say it's just friends hanging out together its not like anyone would care "I'd like to go with you" you smiled , he grinned wildly and kissed your cheek "great ill pick you up at 6"he smiled and left, you stood there stunned as you put your hand on your check ,'he kissed my check!! , its the first time' you thought blushing .."May May are you on earth" someone broke your thoughts as you looked up it was lelouch , you turned your gaze away fearing that you'd end up tearing in front of him "are you ok?"he asked coming closer but that only made you step back "yes" you more like whispered but he heard you ,he stopped getting closer when he saw you stepping back , your heart hurt like shattered glass sticking in it ,your head low and not looking in his eyes "May how about we talk, do you-"you cut him off "im sorry i can't talk i have to go "you said softly and turned around to leave but he caught your wrist "wait , where are you going ?,why aren't you looking at me please May" he bagged, pain in his voice "lelouch please let go i have a date to be prepared to "you said not looking back at him , his gasp was heard and he slowly let go of your hand and stood still""He asked and you only nod your back facing him "but ....I... and.? can't" he pleaded "I don't get what you want to say clearly, but shouldn't you leave? shierly was looking for you earlier" you said as you walked away leaving him there alone, you lied it wasn't a date and this wasn't the first time you and Suzaku went out you liked going out with him it was fun and you only went because it wasn't a date he said friends going out not couples 'you sighed as you went home took a shower and dressed up
(you in pic blue dress blond hair and blue eyes) ,the door bell rang as you heard the maid open it you where rich the money your parents left you ,you heard Suzaku at the door so you rushed down to see him , and he was wearing a nice tux and his hair on the side of his face , he smiled and held out a hand "let's go "he said and you nod leaving with him to his car ," you look beautiful tonight" he said as you two sat in a really fancy restaurant "you know Suzaku we don’t have to be here I mean this place is so expensive and-"you were cut off by him "May I can't let a beautiful girl such as you go anyplace" he said blushing slightly but you saw it and that made you blush as well .
"I just want to say I really enjoyed tonight's dinner I had so much with you Suzaku "you said smiling "well it was my birthday and I thought who is better to hang out with but May !" he smiled ,you gasped "your birthday why didn’t you tell me !"you pout causing him to chuckle "will now you know".."since I don’t have a gift .."you trailed of as you reached up and kissed his check ,"happy birthday, and good night "you said as you entered your home leaving a tomato red Suzaku outside , but what made you freeze what you saw lying on the couch , there he was gazing at you with sad eyes and sitting on the couch "so your date was with Suzaku huh?"he asked as he stood up "Lelouch what are you doing here ?"you asked surprised "I wanted to see you" he said as he closed up to your face , but you averted your gaze from his "you shouldn’t be here "you said as you walked but he held his hands around your waist "when was it wrong when I'd come here ?!' he asked "lelouch I don’t think its appropriate to be here this late , what if shierly knows shed get the wrong idea !"you said as you rested your head on his chest "I know you saw what happened that time and im sorry I didn’t return your phone calls my phone was lost aberrantly my sister hide it and forgot where it was im really –"."lelouch its ok you don’t have to explain to me its none of my business what you do in your privet life –".."but your part of my life "he said hugging you tightly "you're very important to me shierly was only upset because of her father's death she didn’t know what she was doing and I was confused , I don’t like her in that kind of way "he finished and looked into your eyes "why are you telling me this?"you asked as he started to lean closer to your face and you'd slowly back away you won't let him until he admits "because I care so much about you ….I've always cared for you ,always needed you to be by my side to make me feel at ease and smile every time I see your face …all of that …made me realize how much ..i" he said smiling happily at you and his confession , it took you awhile to register his words in your head as you blushed so much when his lips finally met yours taking you by surprise ,but not long after you kissed back , the man you love was kissing you and confessed his love to you ..after the long passionate kiss he pulled back for the need of air , you smiled at him and hugged him tightly "I love you so much lelu I always did "he smiled and held you closer if that was even possible (gah I love this sentence XD)"im glad to hear that" he said taking you to your room to demonstrate your passionate love .
Couple of months later you and lelouch where inseparate and it turned out that Suzaku really thought of you as only a friend because he liked some pinked haired girl that you didn’t care to know who .as for shierly lets just say she didn’t talk to either of you that much . and finally you and lelouch were finally together .

i guess you really dont care (zero kiryu)oneshot
'just why don’t he look at me like he did to her >>?'you thought as you glanced at your partner zero , he has been more to himself than ever since yuki left, since raido came and the vampires left the school .
You have fallen for him ever since you laid your eyes on him , you had become his partner in hunting vampires .
You sat on the roof of the sun dorms gazing at the moon and the stars while zero cleaned his gun ' I have to tell him what I feel 'you thought as you called his name "zero", he glanced at you and then looked back at his gun "*sigh* I have to tell you something "you said and he still didn’t look up and continued cleaning the gun "zero … I – I – I love you" you said , he stopped cleaning the gun and finally looked at you "anaki you know that Im still tired from what happened so I can't say that I feel the way as you do for me "he said emotionless "I won't give up I will try hard until you do , because I love you so much zero" you said as tears spread down your face "then you'll have to wait a lot "he said as he got up and left .
He still loves her from the moment she took care of him is that why he loved her ? but I was there too ,I took care of him more , right after he head master helped him and let him live with him I was brought too after the death of my family , zero was a kid and he was close to her , I hated her so much because she took him from me even though she loved kaname , I loved zero so much , he is my life , I always helped him when he needed blood id give him , when he suffered I held him , while she only hurt him , then why does he love her ?WHY?' you thought angrily as you bunched the ground .
A month later still no progress he would always be the cold hearted man he always is . as you two finished your mission you went to eat dinner as only co-workers with no words exchanged even if you said anything he wouldn’t talk ,*sigh* tomorrow you had a mission alone and you were exited about it "hey zero , do you know what im doing tomorrow "you said cheerily , he glanced at you with those violet eyes "I don’t care "he said coldly "I guess you don’t" you said quietly hurt , every time you would say anything he would always say those words' I don’t care ' , you sighed again as you took hold of your drink then drank it all in one slip "zero I love you" you said knowing he won't replay and as you said he didn’t , you two walked back to school in silence and the sky started to rain , and you stepped closer to zero because you were shivering , but he didn’t look at you nor did he come closer .
the next day you went on the mission and did great job but you also broke your arm "what happened to you " he asked , finally he talked "I had a mission alone yesterday "you said "why didn’t I know ?"he asked pissed off , you glared at him sick of this act "I guess because you don’t care" you said coldly leaving him stunned abet at your act all of a sudden he huffed as he left too.
Its been always like this you say I love you and he wouldn’t replay and when you say anything he didn’t care .
5 years later
You stopped saying I love you to him from 2 years you still do but you grow tired of his cold act you , your hyper ,cheerful ,personality changed so much your now silent cold and distant, you hate yourself for this its not you it’s the tired you and after 5 years of trying to make him love you but he didn’t change, so you took a hard design you are leaving tomorrow (you two graduated but still live in cross academy ).
Its night and you where sitting with zero at the dinner table that the head master made for you two.
Zero's pov
I've been straggling to forget yuki but when anaki told me she loved me I – I started to feel something weird inside of me, like the pain I felt from yuki started to vanish by the day that I would spend with anaki every time she told me she loved me id be happy and smile from the inside but she stopped saying I love you for two years she even became cold and she wont speak to me . I would glance at her and she would be spacing out hurt showing in her eyes her beautiful blue eyes that I came to love so much , but why do I feel like if I told her my true feelings id only be hurt again ! but then again she wont be like yuki she loves me or that is what I still hope for .
Anaki's pov\your pov
You where eating at the table with zero in front of you he was showing a feeling in his eyes that you couldn’t know what is it , struggle, pain ? , longing ?? he maybe still misses her *sigh*"zero ?"you questioned its been a long time since you called his name "hum?"he said showing he is listening "do you know what im doing tomorrow ?"you asked from a long time you didn’t ask him this question "he raised a eyebrow "I don’t care "he said again burring his head in his food hiding a smirk ' he is enjoying torturing me will I guess he wont enjoy it anymore because im leaving ' you thought *sigh*"I love you zero "you said as you stood up , he dropped his fork and watched you "I know I was nothing but a pain for you and you don’t like me and all , im very sorry for all the trouble I caused you , and im sorry for saying I love you when I know that you won't say a thing and it bothers you , but I promises you that you won't hear it again , it was a great honor to work with you for so long zero kiryuu ,*bow* good night I hope you find luck in your life and don’t stick to the past that much "you said smiling , the smile that came to your beautiful face that showed nothing but sadness for the past years , you bowed again and left to your room .
Zero pov
What was that all about , wait she still loves me and she wont say it again ? what did she mean by that ? I do like her I love her even more than anything .
Your pov
You walked to the car that will get you to your distention which is away from all of this drama , away from the pain source , and away from zero .
As you got in you took a final look at cross academy then told the driver to drive off ……………
A month later
You settled in a small town , as you worked part time in a market and the other time as a vampire hunter , you didn’t hear from zero from anyone , every night you'd remember him his eyes, his hair , his scent , you longed to be next to him to feel him but that won't happen you won't go back there your heart already died because the one you love hated you , you'd cry every night too.
One rainy day you where coming back from work walking home you came closer to the door when you saw a sitting figure in front of the door , you couldn’t see will but when you got closer you were shocked it was ….none other than your beloved one zero he was soaked wet and crouching in front of your home , "what are you doing here?"you asked shocked "first open the door Im freezing "he said shivering you nod and open the door clumsily you where having mixed up emotion , finally the door opened and both of you walked in "wait here ill go get you a towel "you said as he sat on the couch but when you where about to go he grabbed your wrist pulling you to the couch with him and lying on top of you , you couldn’t utter words shock took over your body but you wasn’t sure that this was zero he would never do such a thing ,as that thought went through your head your gone rose to his chest moving him away from you , his eyes winded as he felt the gun "who are you "you spat , his face that was shocked showed more pain "you forgot me ?"he asked "your not zero he would never act like this who sent you ?"you asked again he shook his head suddenly grabbing the gun and removing it from your hands and again pushing you under him on the couch "you’re an idiot its me zero you see"he said as he pointed at the tattoo on his neck the one that yuki gave him "z-zero ?"you questioned and he nod "why did you leave?" he asked "why wouldn’t I ?"you replayed "were you lying ?"he asked" why do you care?".."don’t you care for me ?"…"do you ?".."stop questioning !! answer me "he snapped "what the hell is it with you , I left because I couldn’t take it anymore I spent my life loving you but you wont care so I left I got tired why are you here ? why did you come? I was relieved I left and now you’re here WHY "you yelled through tears, but got no respond instead you felt lips touching your own and kissing you passionately, it took you so much to register in your head what is happening until finally you kissed him back.. The kiss was so passionate that you melted in his hands..After a while he pulled away "having you for so long beside me and the next second you're gone , I couldn’t pair it I was feeling miserable I had to find you I had to because I love you "he said kissing you again you kissed him back knowing that your life from now on will only change ^_____^

you wont be alone(kaoru hitachiin)one shot


You wont be alone (kaoru hitachiin) one shot
Name: Nina shizuka
Class:1a (same as kaoru )
With black pants, you don’t wear the yellow dress
Personality : is sweet ,shy ,and kind
Episode :21 the Halloween episode
Story start
You’ve been attending ouran school for almost 4 years you only have your wealthy mother your dad left you so she thought ouran high should be the best place for you to learn , you be friend the twins, you can easily tell them apart , you also would help in the host club , you love the host club members and consider them your family . as the time passed you have fallen in love with kaoru .
You where sitting in class next to kaoru as he was spacing out as he tapped his bumpkin head pin on his chin , he looked so cute , you don’t know how did you fallen for him so hard.
The class rip was talking about next week it was Halloween "now I move to discuss the planes for next week "the class rip said "next week?"huruhi questioned "yeah next week Halloween "hikaru replayed "Halloween" you mumbled "whats wrong nina you don’t like Halloween ?"questioned kaoru , you blushed and looked at him "n-no-its – i- never mind "you stuttered as you dropped your head, it was difficult to talk to him and you would become like an idiot stuttering words "are you alright ?"he asked , and you only nodded "so we will use an entire day for a special class event of our choosing" the class rip said "event?"asked huruhi she is new she wouldn’t know "yeah we socialize , watch some old movies , stuff like that "said the twins "BORING" yelled rengi as she popped out of nowhere making you fall of your desk into kaoru's hands "i-m sorry "you said , he only smiled but didn’t let you go, as he made you set in his lap , you blushed heavily and hide your face in his chest , while rengi proposed we take the class activity as a test of courage Halloween tournament, the class mangled in dissection, "attest of" hikaru started "courage "kaoru completed "YES we need to talk to the super indented to give us acsses to the school when its dark then we will all dress up in our freakiest costume and we would go all out scaring the crap out of each other "she yelled , you shivered you hated dark let alone spooky stuff you wanted to shout a no but felt unsure to say it for they would blame you for ruining the fun as they liked the idea , you let go of kaoru and he let go as you sat on your desk again "we are in "the twins said chuckling " yes we like it "the class said "well now why don’t we think this throw every one we cant all go alone we should be in teams of at least 4 members " the class rip said shacking , while you looked pale "yeah teams would be scarier "one said and you gulped "yes and who ever runs away will be in the front page of the ouran newspaper as the captain of all cowards" kaoru said "yes "all the class yelled "alright does anyone object " the class rip asked , you wanted to raise your hand so badly but kaoru smiled at you making you blush "so no one appose "the class rip asked again , but no one objected "no one ?"he bleed "no" they said "oh will ok then the class 1A activity will be a special Halloween test of courage tournament "the class rip said paled white , everyone cheered but not you , it wasn’t that you didn’t want to agree but his smiled made you forget everything .
You walked out of class after it finished with haruhi and the twins kaoru walked next to you pretty close actually "hey guys how about we four team up "he said putting a hand over your shoulder "yes that would be great"hikaru said putting an arm around haruhi "ok "she said , then the three looked on you "mmm ye-ah "you said half smiling "NINA CHAN " someone yelled you all turned around to see a guy you knew from class "hey kayo "you smiled "hi , nina Chan i- I want , I want you to be a part of my team – it's because- I really like you and I feel like we should be in the –"he got cut off by kaoru holding you tight and growled "she is already with our team "he growled , hikaru knew his brother had a crush on you but you didn’t know about all of this not kaoru liking you or hikaru knowing so he started to help his brother "yes she is with us so bye bye "he said as kaoru held you up and ran with you in his arms and hikaru and haruhi after you , after some time running they stopped and kaoru put a blushing you on the ground" what was that all about "you asked confused "will he was planning to take our toy away so I couldn’t let him "kaoru said "yes you are our toy "hikaru replayed , it hurt you that they only thought of you as a toy as kaoru thought of you as that it made you sure he didn’t have feelings for you not what you hade hoped when he held into you close moments ago "so you did that because im your toy "you whispered "mm yeah "they said unsure "oh"you replayed , tears where thriting to come out but you ran away , "nina"kaoru yelled .
Kaoru pov
The guy said he wanted to take nina in his team because he liked her , I won't allow her to be with anyone else but me , so I held onto her tighter as I was glaring at the guy he seemed scared "she is already in our team "I said "yes so bye bye "hikaru said, as I took hold of her in my arm and sprinted away she blushed heavily as I held her bridle style and I smiled at her, finally we were away from him as we stopped and I put her on the ground "what was that all about?"she asked "will he was planning to take our toy away so I couldn’t let him "I said "yes you are our toy "hikaru said too , "so you did that because im your toy ?"she whispered as her tune showed hurt ' did I say something wrong ?' I thought "mm yeah "me and hikaru said unsure "oh" she mumbled and ran away "nina "I yelled after her as I started running "you guys go on without me "I said to hikaru and haruhi they have to go back to class and discuses the budget for the Halloween customs and other stuff like telling the host club about the subject , I ran until I reached where she was , she was facing a dead end and her head rested on the wall her sobs could be heard "nina ?"I sounded unsure .
Your pov
You ran until you ended up to a dead end resting your head on the wall and sliding down crying "nina?"kaoru voice came from behind "nina what's wrong ?"he asked sitting next to you "why would you care im only your toy "you sobbed "your also my friend it was a joke its like I don’t want for anyone to take you away from me that’s why you’re my beautiful toy "he said , you blushed "oh" you smiled and he hugged you tightly , you hugged back and buried your face in his chest .
"oh there you are "the girl helping the class rip said as you too blushed and released each other "we are about to chose groups , do you have any idea who you want on your group "she asked and both of you nodded "yea it will be me and nina also hikaru and haruhi "great then you are team b alright ".."yes "he said and she left he was about to get up but you held his arm " kaoru ?"you whispered "huh?".."im afraid of the dark and these stuff I should just leave even if I was to be on the news-"he cut you off by placing a finger on your lips "don’t worry ill be with you "he smiled making you blush more "o-ok"you stutter he chuckled "your so cute "he said as he got up with you .
The night of the tournament
The school was decorated in freaky stuff skulls and bumpkins all over the place , you were so afraid but kaoru held your hand with his "its gana be alright "he assured you ,as hikaru and haruhi smirked at you both right now the four of you were hiding , something from the window caught haruhi intention "did you see that creepy shadow jus now at the window ?"she asked , you shacked then something from the stairs came out it was a skull , you all yelled freaked out "it’s a skull"kaoru said afraid now "don’t worry guys "hikaru said as he kicked it off up the stairs "nice go "haruhi said "yeah you show them "kaoru clapped , then suddenly a creepy looking woman showed up the stairs looking like a zombie "my skull, my skull "she said in a dull voice "why did you kick my skull "she yelled you all freaked out , you screamed , hikaru and haruhi ran in one direction and you and kaoru ran in the other one , as you ran you reached a room but someone throw you in it ,and locked the door , kaoru kept kicking the door but it didn’t open so you sat on the floor as he sat next to you "damn it they locked us in "he said "its hopeless there is no one outside "he said "are you scared ?"he asked and you nod he then pulled you to a hug , your face was beat red "thank you "you replayed "it ok , you know I wanted to make haruhi and hikaru get together I planed it to the very end but I guess it didn’t work " "I guess not everything works as planned but they are now together maybe something will come out of it , no one knows what will happen "you said "so in other words a spell was cast on the carriage and maybe your right keeping things the way they are wouldn’t be so bad im sure that’s what the boss had in mind when he put a spill on his own carriage we are like a family to him , he doesn’t want that to change , back when we were children neither do I the boss or hikaru had friends to speak off , now he wants to enjoy what he has for as long as he can , I cant blame him , but still one of these days it will all turn out into that old crappie bumpkin again "kaoru said "you wont be alone "you said surprising him "yes hikaru might go and leave to his own life but I wont leave you "you completed as you looked in his eyes "why?"he asked "because i-i- im madly in love with you "you finally said tears running from your eyes on your pale skin , his eyes widened in shock but then a big grin sprinted on his face "I love you too "he said , you where shocked that he actually loved you but soon It faded away as you felt his lips on yours , they were so warm and gentle , you kissed him back as the kiss grow more passionate he lied on his back taking you with him on top his hands crept on your butt , you gasped which gave him the uperotinety to slide his tongue and discover your mouth inch by inch , you moaned earning a smirk from him , but as things where to get more hot the door was open revealing hikaru "KAORU"he yelled but soon stopped as he saw both of you and he turned around "will someone was busy when I was worried "he said both of you breaking the kiss and blushing "hikaru sorry but I was locked in with nina , my sweet girl "he said you looked surprised "really?"you asked happy "yes you are only my girl "he said hugging you "oh so sweet"haruhi said and hikaru nod .
Next morning was shiny and you all stood in front of the board in the yard , the school rip and his assistant where talking as he had a crush on her "your so sweet"she told him "will you look at that I guess the spell on the carriage cant last for ever after all "kaoru said "what do you mean ?"hikaru asked his twin "well since you don’t know what it means in that situation I suppose every thing is alright for now "kaoru replayed "huh"hikaru didn’t understand and you giggled "nothing nothing just my own privet joke "he said pushing haruhi and hikaru to walk "lest get out of here"he said then stopped after he saw them talking and walking "still one day hikaru will realize he wants to take the next step on his own….when that happens I don’t know what ill do "he whispered but you heard him "will it’s a good thing im here then "you said as you hugged him tightly "because I wont leave you alone "you replayed as you peeked his lips "im glad you will stay with me but to be more sure I have to ask you something "he said "sure ".. he then kissed you passionately and held you tight. after that dazzling kiss he looked deeply in your eyes "marry me "he said , you where shocked ,surprised, tears of happiness filled your eyes as you sqweeld a "yes "then kissed him .
And you never let go of him.

you left me (sasuke oneshot)


You left me alone

Name: misaki yamamori

Age 14as Sasuke

Looks:black hair and bright blue eyes with pale skin

Personality : shy, sweet , but become cold

Clothes : you wear tight jeans and tight black t shirt with dont miss
with me written on it in silverAnd high converse

Clan: your whole family died

Song: "I
Hate Everything About You"

Story start>>

time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven't missed you yet

You walked to meat your teammate ,Sasuke Uchiha , he was your friend
since you where kids but he changed and became distant , and never talked to
you so you kept cold and never talked to anyone you loved him so much that it
hurt you to see him act like this ,and now to tell you he wants to see you made
you even more confused , you walked to his home and knocked on the door ,
seconds passed and he opened the door ,while wearing
only a boxer "when you ask someone to
come atleast put a decent clothes on "you said as you walked in "that
was cold but then again its only you or so it has become "he said as both
of you sat at the couch "what do you want ?"you asked "I wanted
to talk to you "he said "about??"you asked "us!"he
replayed "what us ? there is no us ?"you said confused , he only
smirked "Sasuke what the hell are you saying?"you asked, but he
answered with a kiss a passionate one

hate everything about you
Why do I love you

couldn’t help but kiss back as you did you wrapped your arms around his neck
and he wrapped it around your waist pulling you closer to him after what seemed
like forever both of you pulled away , you blushing madly "I love you
"he said kissing you again , you gasped giving him the chance to slip his
tongue in reaching every corner of your mouth ,he lied back on the couch
pulling you on top of him, he pulled away " I love you too" you said ,
his eyes widened "I thought you hate me "he said "no I love you
ever since I met you , but you.. you changed … so I changed too" you
whispering " I had too I need
to kill him "he said and that was the last thing you heard before you felt
a jutsu on you pushing you to sleep and so you did

time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven't missed you yet

You wake up the next morning looking around you , you
where in sasuke's house but he wasn’t there "where is he ?"you
thought as you searched the house and didn’t find him so you got out and
started searching for him with no luck "SASUKE" you shouted in the
streets but he wasn’t there , not anymore he left you , left you all alone .

3 years passed

From 3 years Sasuke left you after the two and a half years he left you were miserable until Naruto could
finally get to you and helped you again to feel life but deep down you was still hurting , every mission they'd go to
find him you'd stay out of it , you didn’t
want to be reminded of him not at all , the sound of the crowds broke your
thought today he was coming back , he defeated his brother and killed him and
he was returning home after Naruto told him there was no punishment.

You stood on your roof gazing at the stars in the
night sky today the village was so happy , but not you , not after what he has
done , he told you he loved you but left you he was just missing with you and lying
, a few tears escaped your eyes as you closed them , he must even forgot you
," I hate you" you whispered but someone already heard you and they
left you alone .

The next day you had a mission with the guys including
Sasuke who took the place of sai , you didn’t see him in three years you don’t even
know how hw looks , but you have changed , you got up took a shower and dressed
up you hair that was once reaching your thighs is now reaching the middle of
your back , your smoking make up showing your beautiful eyes , you wore a mini
skirt that was red and reaching the middle of your thigh with a fish net socks
that reached
the upper part of your
thigh and black strapless shirt with a crimson jacket on it , and a high boots
, you took your two swords on your back and put your shiny gloss walking out
the door to meet at the village gates , your face that once showed happiness
returned to the cold hearted lifeless girl , you approached the gates your
heart beating fast you hated the feeling that you still love him but you wont
admit it you will never show it on your face , you finally saw him he was
standing there waiting as for someone , you turned your gaze to Naruto "where
is Kakashi" yes you now call him by his first name with no sensi you were
a special jonin "he is late as usuall ha misaki "said sasuke trying
to talk to you , but no way you'd look
at him as before , he grow to be a great hot guy so handsome 'what the hell am I
thinking' you thought "sorry my mom told me not to talk to strangers"
you said sarcastically your mother died before you could see her , and he knew
it , he showed a sad look and you looked away "you think by coming back
every one would be happy and all over you saying how they missed you , will
guess what there are people who still hate you "you said coldly venom
dripping from your voice

I hate
You hate
I hate
You love me

I hate everything about you
Why do I love you

The mission started and all of you went out as you
walked the walk was too silent and an awkward feeling stung the air "misa
what is wrong aren’t you happy?"whispered Naruto , you shock your head violently
before starting walking a head of them .

Night came and you took the first shift to patrol , as
you stayed up you walked to the cliff and sat there , then you heard the bushes
move behind you but already knew who was coming "what do you want
?"you whispered , tears were in your eyes and you cried silently while he
stood behind you , suddenly you felt two arms wrap around your waist pulling
you to a hug you cried harder and pushed him several times on the hands you
back was facing him " leave me alone , you hurt me a lot , you left me , I
needed you and YOU LEFT "you yelled the last part he turned you around so
you where in his lap facing him "I had to go , I had to avenge my clan , I
had to so I can be with you , because Im madly in love with you "he said
kissing you passionately , you hesitated but kissed back ,"how can I be
sure?" you asked after you pulled away to breath , he smiled and held a
box in front of you "whats that ?"you asked he gently placed it in
your hands "that would be yours if you agree" he said smiling , you
opened the box to see a beautiful diamond ring "sasu-ke"you breathed
"will you be mine forever ? marry me "he said , you smiled and
attacked him with a kiss
making him fall
back you snuggled to him putting your legs around his wait " misake
"he breathed pulling you to another kiss "yes YES" you answered
"great" he said and both of you continued making out on the leaf


could you be more of an idiot ?(tamaki one shot)


You were walking throw the halls of ouran high school, your school for 2 years now since you transfer here , you grow close to tamaki his father knew your father and they are best friends , so you and tamaki know each other a lot , you love tamaki you loved him ever since you met him but he is to dense to tell , he was the only reason you transferred to his school ouran .
You stood in front of the door to the 3d music room you helped there as a waitress, you never wore he school uniform , youd only wear a black skirt and the top of the guys uniform but it was designed for a girl with a lot of curves such as you ,
You entered the room to be met by the handsome men welcoming you , a smile grow on your pale face with your green eyes scanning the room to met the most beautiful eyes of tamaki "hello "you said to them "hi misa "they replayed "so you died your jair I like it more than blue black suits your beautiful face "said tamaki , you blushed and looked down "thanks " you whispered , yes he is the only person you feel shy around your heart race so fast and your breath get caught in your throat , he smiled and went to host the girl you hated it , that he would look at other girls and touch them hed never hug you or shack your hand you think he hates you so much he don’t want to touch you , your eyes water up but you don’t let the tears be seen you cover your face with your long bangs ' im sill in love with the man who hates me ' you thought sadly .
After closing the club koyoya announced "tomorrow we are going to my family's privet beach you guys well come right "he asked they all agreed but you "i—don’t think – ill come "you said cussing every one to look a you "but why ?" asked haruhi " mmm I don’t feel like it "you lied you didn’t want to go because of him but also he was the one to interrupt your thoughts " she will come ill make sure of it "tamaki said , you looked at him surprised but didn’t say a thing .
It was noon you were at home today tamaki said hed make you come but how? , also him and his father are coming over to dinner , it would be the four of you , your mom died a long time ago .
As you got up took a shower and then got dressed in a light blue dress it was strapless and reached your knees with black high heels you let your hair down as you started putting light make up it was maskarah and lip gloss you looked so cute .
The bell rang and someone opened the door greeting tamaki and his father , you walked down stairs to meet them "hi mr souh nice seeing you again "you said bowing "oh beautiful as usual misa "he said smiling "thank you "you smiled then looked at tamaki who was buzled a little "hi"you waved in front of his face causing him to back away from you so further more , you showed a sad look but covered it with your hair "oh my friend "came the voice of your father you turned around to see him and tamakis dad being there goofy selfs a smile came to your face as they went in to the living room leaving you with tamaki "you should go in" you said still giving him your back and not looking at him , he shifted abet then said " I will spend the night here "that cused you to turn fast that you came face to face with him his eyes widened and he backed away "why ? "you asked confused "to make sure your going tomorrow "he replayed standing strait and walking closer to you "I already said im not going "you said to him now staring at his face "why ? its gonna be fun ".."what is it to you really ? as if you'd care ! you will be spending time with your girls now wont you " you glared and left him dump struck .
Tamakis pov
Every time she get close to me I could feel my heart want to burst of my chest I love her so much that I think if I touch her I wont get enough id want more . just looking at her makes my heart race she might not think of me like that , I know it its impossible . I thought as I went in
Your pov
Tamakis dad left and your dad went to bed leaving you and tamaki "since you came and wants to sleep here I guess you could sleep at my room because we repainted all of the rooms but mine and dad "you said , he blushed and nod , both of you went up stairs and into your room it wasn’t so big you hated big rooms like tamakis t was medium size with ing size bed and all the things you need in a bed room , he went in and made him self comfortable on your bed ,you giggled "what ?"he asked "its just I never imagined youd end up sleeping on my bed "he blushed and you covered your mouth " I didn’t mean it in that kind of way " you said waving your hands "its ok I know "he said getting up and walking to you "you need to pack "he said getting closer to you " but I – ""your going " he said taking your hand and facing you to the closet "now pack "he said, turned around and went back to your bath changing to his bj he brought it with him it was just shorts , he walked out and lied on the bed you blushed "I guess ill rest a bet until you finish then Ill sleep on the floor "he said and you started packing your stuff into a bag , it took you an hour to finish as you did you looked back at tamaki his eyes were closed so you thought he was asleep you turned around so you could take of your dress but the zipper got stuck you struggled with it for a bit but it didn’t work suddenly you felt someone touch your shoulder and unzip the dress, you turned your head to see tamaki he started sliding the dress off of you and you blushed "tamaki " he turned you around so you are facing him then turned you so your now facing the closet and your back to him ,you felt his lips on your neck as he removed the dress letting it lie on the floor "ah tamaki "you couldnt help but moan "what are you doing ?"you asked surprised "im marking you" he said as he turned you around again .there was a red hicky on your neck now your arms were covering your naked breasts but he put his hands removing your arms "ta-amak-i?" you stuttered his lips met yours in a passionate kiss you gasped giving him the aberrantly to slip his tongue in exploring your mouth his hands were on your breasts caressing it and you kissed him back with much passion as this went on like 5 minutes he pulled away "im sorry "he said you didn’t care of what he said so you pushed him towards the bed penning him down on the hips "now why'd you be sorry "you said seductively "um- I –"he stuttered you sighed and got up taking the dress of the floor "your really are an idiot you cant understand can you ?"you said you put on your bj and went to get out of the room "wait "tamaki said grapping your arm "what is that I don’t understand you hate me don’t you "he asked confused " you’re an idiot I love you tamaki I don’t hate you "you blurted out , he was shocked and let go of your arm "I – don’t –know what to –ssa-yy"he stuttered , you looked at him in like are you that stupid then walked out of the room sleeping in the living room on the couch while crying .
Next morning you wake up to see tamaki staring at you "is it normal for you to stare at peoples sleeping face "you said coldly as you got up , he blushed and lowered his head "your mad at me ?"he asked "baka" you muttered as you went to your room took your outfit and changed to a black jeans and a yellow shirt , there was a knock on the door "come in" you said tamak entered "are you ready ?"he asked avoiding your gaze "yes" you said coldly again . both of you went to the car, the whole trip was silence he would glance at you but you wont look at him you decided you'd ignore him .
You two arrived to the beach and saw everyone "hey you came misa-chan "said hunny "yeah "you replayed "will how was your car trip we had so much fun what about you?"asked hikaru tamaki glanced at you but you paid no intention "it was quite" replayed tamaki everyone could feel the weird atmosphere between both of you "whats going on senpai ?"asked haruhi " nothing we should go swim " you said cheerfully lying , they all nod and you all went to the beach the guys changed into there swim suits as so did you
Changed into the pic
that’s what you wore
as everyone swam and had a good time you went in the sea and started swimming to a shade under a cliff, the sun was sitting and you raised your hand reaching a rock that was coming down of the big cliff you where down the cliff in the water , you sighed as you dropped your head down , "misa " tamaki's voice came you snapped your head up to see him in front of you "what are you doing here?" you asked , he smiled" swimming ", "oh" you said as you dropped your head again , you could feel a hand on your cheek as you looked up to meat tamaki's eyes "im sorry, I didn’t mean to be so stupid I was surprised that’s all "he said "its fine ".."no its not…I…I….love you misa I always did "your eyes widened he actually loves you , you throw your self in his waiting arms hugging him ever so tightly " I love you too tamaki so much ".."good because id never let you go "he said hugging you as tight as he could but still being gentle after the emotional hug you both kissed forgetting to swim which caused you to sink down but that wont separate you from each other you will live a happy life with love of your life .
the end

Far away but still in my heart (yahiro saiga love story)one shot

Name : yurai shigame
Age :15
Family :her mom live in France while her dad lives in Japan they are divorced
Personality : shy , sweet , funny , caring
Looks when your younger (you know the time when yahiro and akira where young )
and when your 15

when your young now time is
"Yahiro "your younger self called as you jumped on his back hugging him "I missed you why did you leave ?"you whined , but he smiled "because I had to go with dad "he said hugging you "lets go play "you said dragging him to the park where you two sat on the swings "the month that you left I really got bored all alone "you said sadly he looked at you then smiled " I got bored too I missed you though "his smile made you blush and your heart race … then you two heard a voice calling , both of you turned right and saw it was akira "hi yahiro " she greeted his eyes let up when he saw her and went to her "hi akira I was going to look for you but yurai saw me and we started talking "he smiled at her , it made you feel uneasy like something is wrong you already knew you love him but does he really not see it ??"do you want to play catch "she said and yahiro nod "ok its on you yurai , catch us "she said and both of them ran, you where still surprised but recovered fast and went after them as you ran you bombed into someone , it was a kid that said that he didn’t like yahiro "its yurai "he smirked then bent to bick you up as he did he said "so you are hanging with yahiro , are you doing that so your company will get ahead like us ?"he asked "what ?"you asked confused "do you like yahiro ?"he asked again "I mmmm what do you mean like ?"you asked "so you don’t like him and you spend time with him because of your father right ?"he asked smirking "no I don’t like yahiro I I I love him " you said tears where falling from your eyes " he cant see that "he said and then left
Yahiros pov
Yurai was so close to catch me and akira but we hide behind the boshes yurai ran faster and bombed into that kid that he said he don’t like me but was forced to play with me he helped her up as he asked" so you are hanging with yahiro , are you doing that so your company will get ahead like us ?"he asked "what ?"she asked him sounding confused "do you like yahiro ?"he asked again "I mmmm what do you mean like ?"she asked him yet again 'she doesn’t like me is she like them ?' I thought in my head "so you don’t like him and you spend time with him because of your father right ?"he asked smirking "no I don’t like yahiro I –"that was enough for you not to hear anymore as you got up and left ' I cant believe her she hates me the girl I love hates me 'I thought
Your pov
It was sunset and you walked back to where yahiros home was he was standing there waiting for you "yahiro where have you been I searched for you ever-"you where cut off as he glared at you and yelled " don’t act like you care because you don’t , you’re a lire just like all of them "he yelled , you could feel your heart breaking down and your tears falling down your beautiful face "im not like –"you where cut off again " DON’T TALK TO ME AGAIN I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU I HATE YOU "he yelled and left you sat there crying on your knees as he left you alone 'I love you so much why cant you see that' you thought
(akira already went home by her parents )
Yahiros pov
Its been 3 days since you shouted on yurai the girl you love the only girl that you wished shed turn different from others and love you back but that didn’t happen she is just like them
"yahiro "akira said breaking me out of my thoughts "yeah " I said coldly "there is something you need to know when you left that day I stayed and listened to what yurai told the boy "she said eyes down "what do you mean ?"I asked confused "she said that she didn’t like you .. but continued and said that she …she loves you yahiro .."she replayed softly , my eyes widened as much as they could I didn’t stay and listen to her that day I ran off before I could listen to all what she said and when she tried to explain I told her that I hate her I have to find her ' I thought as I got up and left to find my first love …. Knocking on there door …the maid answered "oh master yahiro how can I help you "she asked smiling "I want to see yurai "you blurted out , the maid looked surprised but the smile once was on her face faded away with a look of sadness "sir yurai left to france to stay with her mother "the maid said , I gasped hurt and sad all over tears ran down my face as the maid looked surprised ad worried "are you alright ?"she asked "is she coming back ?"you asked again but the maid looked sad even more and few tears escaped her eyes as she shook her head and went in closing the door ..i stood there frozen 'she isn’t coming back she must hate me after what I said to her im alone now ? she isn’t gonna play with me anymore ? how could you leave me yurai how could you ?'you thought as you ran home crying yourself to sleep
Years passed your now 15 years old and still you never saw yurai or heard from her she was just gone as there was no info's on her in any place … she hide better than I thought… even akira hated me and didn’t want to see me
Your pov
Its been years since you left Japan and today was your first coming back , you had to enroll in a school and whats better than the Private Hakusen Academy, you where so good that you got in the sa class .
as you walked to the green house your hair blow with the wind your eyes shining in the sun light as your pink lips showed a smile since you came back home .
you entered the green house and saw 3 girls and 4 boys but what caught your intention is her out of all people she was here "akira?" you questioned confused to see her again "yurai ?"she asked and you nod she smiled and hugged you , you where taken aback of her reaction not that you hate her but feel jealous of her you still love him after all these years …"so who are you ?"asked kei "she is my friend from long ago "akira said happily "hey every one im yurai shigame I just came from france im new here , nice o meet you all "you bowed shyly as you smiled "hi im hikari this is tadashi ,jun,megomy,takishima ,ruuy and you already know akira "she smile "nice to meet you ".."so you came back I thought you left for good why did you leave without saying goodbye "akira whispered "it was actually sudden my mom told dad that she would roan his work if he didn’t let me go see her and with that I stayed there until I could sy I want to go back and here im "you said the completed " I guess nobody actually cared if I was there or not its all the same "you replayed " I did care you where my friend and he ..he"she couldn’t say his name what happened " wait please tell me he isn’t coming to this school too "you panicked you didn’t want to see him you didn’t want to feel hurt again to see your heart breaking once more or the look on his face when he said I hate you it made you weak to feel all these emotions just because of him "no no he isn’t don’t worry "she said waving her hands in a way , you smiled as you sighed relieved .
a month later
you have come to be friends with all the sa members and specially akira after you knew she loved tadashi
"so yurai do you waana go with us ?"asked hikari "go where ?"you asked confused " to the culture festival ha what do you say ?"she asked again cheerfully "I guess " you said unsure.
The next day you came to the school and there stood a weird looking bus with a pink rabbit on it "what's with this bus "you asked confused then everyone showed up with kai who was holding envelops "hikari told me to give this to you guys "he said "invitation to an after school tour of kokusen academy ?"you asked as you read (ep 17) "im not going on this bus noway "you said and everyone agreed going with you .as you entered the guys started going to help out in hosting the ladies and you stood there watching them … hours passed you where having so much fun at the carnival with akira but then she said something about the marriage meeting "you cant go you don’t want to so why go ?"you asked " its not that I don’t want to its just that he isn’t noticing me "she said on tadashi "maybe he is slow you have to tell him in the end "you smiled at her "your right "she said and then left to the party sat on the chair your red one shoulder dress hugged your body it wasn’t so short or so long it was just down your knees your blonde hair was up with a red rose sticking in it and some tress falling of it on your beautiful pale skin the make up was light but the gloss was like fire red it made everyone look at you in surprise and lust you where so gorgeous the boys wanted to go out with you and asked you on dates but youd never say yes he was still on your mind his smile that always made you feel happy his eyes that showed so much concern but he hated you now he didn’t want to see you ever that is the truth .
Yahiro pov
i where part of the comity that made the festival as i where in the party i heard some girls talking about a girl .. i was curious to know who this girl that everyone seemed to notice but me ..some girls talking "oh she is so beautiful I wish I had I silky hair like hers ".."yeah her eyes are so great like the blue ocean "another girl said a picture of her came throw my mind but i shock it off 'it cant be she is in france if she was back id know !!wouldnt I ?'i thought "what is her name ?"asked a girl " its yu yur something along these words "some guy asked "oh brother hi ".."hi ""so you don’t know who this girl is ?"asked his sister "no but every guy here seem to want her "he said as he pointed at a blond girl sitting on a chair with a red dress my eyes widened as I started getting closer to her ' its…..its her …' ithought happy and shocked for the first time in so long "Yurai ?"I questioned not sure if she would look up but she did her face went pale paler than her skin is she got up slowly tears building up in her eyes "Ya..hiro?"she stuttered I nod while aproching her but she only did the unexpected she ran away she ran away from me but I couldn’t handle losing her not again I sprinted out fallowing her "YURAI"I yelled but she didn’t stop
your pov
you was sitting there thinking when you heard someone call your name you looked up only to be shocked surprised and all the hurt feelings came back again "yurai?"he questioned " yahiro "you asked and he nod tears wild up in your eyes as you got up and ran away but he followed you "YURAI"he yelled but you didn’t listen to him ran and ran but he was faster than you he held you from behind and hugged you tightly "don’t run "he whispered you could feel tears on your naked shoulder "let go of me .. I dont want to see you let go "you cried out but his grip on you didn’t loosen it got even tighter "im sorry Im so sorry that it had to go that road im so sorry that I didn’t believe you and im more sorry to lie when I said I hate you im sorry "he said turning you around to face him "you *sob* said you don’t want to see me you didn’t want me around you it was better to just leave and never come back I shouldn’t come back here it was a mistake "you cried even more "don’t say that , that day when I knew you left my heart broke down to pieces I didn’t know what to do but cry I tried looking for you every where but you never been found "he said holding up your chin so you could look at him "the day I said that I hate you I was sad and angry I heard you talk to the boy and he asked if you like me and you said no , so I ran away so I wont see you and when you left akira told me what you really said you said … that love me .."he said smiling at the thought , you gasped " how did you ? and her ? hear ?"you asked confused "we where hiding "he said coolly you nodded and he continued "I did too !!"he said "did what ??"you asked unsure "I did love you "he smiled and continued " and still do more than anything in the world "he said hopping you'd say the same "I .. I still love you so much as well even more I thought that you hate me and didn’t want to talk to me ever again but now saying that you love me you don’t know how much it made me feel happy "you smiled " im glad "that was the last thing he said as his face closed to your it was gonna be your first kiss just like him , but suddenly he withdraw , you felt hurt and he showed a scared look then said in horror " you don’t have a boy friend do you ?"you smirked and wanted to teas him "it depends on what your going to do"you said shyly , he smiled and said "you never change as for that youll be my girl from now on "he said without asking your say he kissed you the most passionate kiss ever your heart skipped so many beats as your face heat up but soon you kissed back with the same passion "I love you girlfriend "he smiled and you giggled " I love you too boyfriend ".
2 months later you and yahiro where together you got closer to each other and become more lovely -dove every one was surprised of his that yahiro was acting like that but they didn’t like your relationship with him that much but soon it was ok two now where sitting on the roof of his house you in-between his legs and resting your head on his chest "I never thought this day would come "you smiled happily "me too but we are finally together love , and for that he stood up taking you with him "because I love you so much I need to ask you this "he said as he pent down on one knee " I know we are young and all but you know how it goes in our families so yurai shigame will you marry me ?"he asked hope in his eyes and he was so happy "your crazy "you said with shock it surprised him and he looked hurt "but I love you more than I could say so yes I would "you said as he slipped the ring on your left finger and kissed you spinning you around in circles.