Thursday, December 9, 2010

you are not lying Kaname oneshot lemon

You where running after the killer of your parents , being close to Zero helped you with the weapons manner and him being in cross academy helped even more , he is human alright but he is wanted for justice and you shell give him a spare of the banishment they will give him in court you will end his life , as you ran he reached for the night class dorms bad move he will draw vampires now , yes you know about them because you where once saved by kaname and since then you fell in love with him but you want say nor act as you care , as he ran you two reached a dead end there was a party being held in the night class and he stopped "you can't kill me "he said as you held the gun in his direction its not hard to kill "you said by now every head turned in your way "then shot" he smirked "you'll bay for what you've done I will empty my gun in your body "you said as you held up your gun to his face and shot him the scent of the blood rushed throw the place making the vampire go mad and one approached you , so you took out your vampire killing gun "if you want to be the next one be my guest " you growled but he stopped and bowed as everyone else you looked back to see kaname "lest talk" he said as he started walking ,"I have nothing to talk to you with "you said as everyone gasped about your cold and drain voice , you know you are not in his leag so why try , kaname looked as cold as ever just the way he stared at you made you in pain so you started walking back throw the forest to the day class dorms "stop" a cold voice said but you knew who it belonged to , it belonged to the man you deeply loved , you wouldn't let your gourd down as you knew he would never accept you as a human lover "I told you to leave me alone so many times !! is it hard to get it to your head "you snapped "I don't know what's your problem with me but causing a scene like that and leaving is very rude of you" he said calmly "will you see! I really don't care what you think! he killed my parents my job was to capture him dead or alive so I took the first suggestion now if you excuse me I don't have time for your mental games "you said and turned to leave but two strong hands wrapped around your waist "and what do you think you're doing exactly ?" you asked coldly "did I do that much of a thing to make you hate me this much?" he asked leaning his head on your shoulder .."you being a vampire makes me.…sick" you spat but he turned you around and placed his lips upon yours you were taken aback by his actions that you gasped letting him roam your mouth , you wouldn't allow this you're not a toy to him he can play with and throw , so you pushed him away and slapped him ,he was confused and another feeling was written on his face but you didn't know what "stay away from me , don't touch me im not your toy "you yelled as you ran , you finally got to your roam closing the door and lying on the bed "I wasn't playing around" said a voice all too familiar "how'd you get in here , why can't you stay away do you want to suck my blood that much ? "you parked , he only smiled and walked over sitting next to you on the bed "on the contrary It's not my intention to suck you dry from blood I'm here to clear things up I. Know you may hate me but I don't , it surprise me that you're the only one I feel content with , you're the one that makes me calm and more open your-"you cut him off "are you high or are you drunk?"you asked confused of his actions, he beamed a smile and shook his head " then why are you acting wired ?!!" you asked on the matter of Fact tune "that's what people do when they are in love " he said that and you just stared at him taking that all *in "oh now i get it this is what pure bloods do when they want to kill and turn humans to a level E no wait unless you want to finish me already "you said glaring at him "I cant believe you girl im saying I love you and yet you are saying that I want to kill you ?"he asked confused "why should I believe you?"you asked as you stepped closer to him your faces inches away "what should I do to make you believe me more than this ?"he asked then without giving you time to replayed he kissed you again so passionate it made you lose balance and falling on the bed with him on top of you , you finally listened to your heart and kissed him back, and you could feel a smile grow on his lips , "you don’t know how much I wanted to be with you, to feel you , to kiss you , I was going mad seeing how much you tried to avoid me how much you hated me –"he was cut off by your lips "I never hated you I always loved you but was afraid that you wouldn’t feel the same way "you said looking away from him ,but soon you could feel a hand on your chin turning your head to face him ,"its wired how do you think I love you and I don’t care if you are a human "he said kissing you passionately , you couldn’t hold anymore as you started to unbutton his vest and taking it off then your hands moved to his tie ripping it off he smirked and turned you over so you are on top of him he broke the kiss and took off your top leaving you in your bra , your hole face turned red as you but your hands on your chest and fell on him trying to cover yourself "your beautiful you don’t need to be shy in front of me "he chuckled "you looked at him with a small smile "come here "he said and held you close kissing you again as his hands found there way on your back taking of the bra you gasped giving him the chance to slid his tongue in your mouth and exploring every inch he reached , you couldn't help but let out a moan as your hands slid under his shirt trying to take it off although with the position you two were in it was hard he felt your struggling and moved so he was on top that gave you the chance to finally get rid of the annoying piece , you gazed at his will belt chest and six pack almost drooling he chuckled lightly and got closer to your ear " you like it "he teased making you blush even more …the two of you now where rid of their garments leaving you two naked hw went down kissing your neck and nibbling on your soft spot his hands messaging your breasts earning some long moans from now and then … his stick brushing against your thighs every now and then making you want him more "Kan…me I want …you "you breathed as he smiled at you nodding his head .. he positioned him self in front of your entrance taking a breath "are you ready Kaia?"he asked , and you only nod trying to forget how painful it would be "don’t worry ill be gentle with you "he said and closed the gap between you two , you took hold of his shoulders as he pushed himself in you the pain was so much that you screamed but his lips covered yours instantly , as he stopped moving he waited a bit until you calmed down and then he started moving again ,you felt so good the pleasure was so great that made you moan and grunt every time he thrust harder no need for you to say go faster because he already was moving hard and fast deepening it every time "oh …" you moaned loudly he groaned and you could feel your walls tighten "kaname…im going to ..cum" you breathed "me too "he said going faster …and soon enough you two cum and screamed each other's name , he moved aside and lied down next to you gathering you in his arms "don’t leave me ever "he said kissing your forehead "I wont "you said smiling and hugging him tightly .

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