Thursday, December 9, 2010

could hate turn to love?(Tamaki one shot )


Name :kira hajemi

Age :17
Class : 2 A
School: ouran high school
Personality : hates lies and fake acts she is kind and mean to fake people she loves rock n roll ,she has a sickness that always makes her breath hard most of the times , she is loyal to her friends and family , loves the out doors and the night, sometimes she can be a little berverty
Family : her mom and dad died and her aunt takes care of her she loves her like her own daughter kira is rich but she don’t show it by acting like a jerk she always hang out with her commoner friends
Her boyfriend two timed her and she ended up so sad but haruhi helped her and she dumbed him
Friends : Haruhi , kei , and shaloua
Looks : long black hair that goes to your butt , dark blue eyes and pale skin
Clothes : you don’t wear that hideous yellow dress you prefer your style , so you wear a mid thigh gray skirt with black tight under it a red hoody and a black t –shirt under it with gray converse
You walked to your class room late as usuall you have high grades but you don’t like school that much "late again miss Hajema "stated the teacher as he got used to it " as long as I get high grates and always rais the class with my marks you don’t have to whine "you said as you walked to your seat that was behind Tamaki , he smiled at you but you looked at him emotionally as you sat down putting the headphones and listening to three days grace pain
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
You're sick of feeling numb
You're not the only one
I'll take you by the hand
And I'll show you a world that you can understand
This life is filled with hurt
When happiness doesn't work
Trust me and take my hand
When the lights go out you will understand
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Anger and agony
Are better than misery
Trust me, I've got a plan
When the lights go off, you will understand
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing, rather feel pain
I know, I know that you're wounded
You know, you know that I'm here to save you
You know, you know I'm always here for you
I know, I know that you'll thank me later
Pain, without love
Pain, can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain, without love
Pain, I can't get enough
Pain, I like it rough
'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain than nothing at all
Rather feel pain
I just love this song
You started to tap your fingers on the desk forgetting you where in class and closed your eyes feeling the music as flash backs bombed in your head '
Flash back
You and your mom and dad where in the park playing you wear only 8 years old as your mom was pushing you on the swing your dad called her from across the street to help him bring the picnic stuff as she crossed the street she didn’t see the van speeding off and your dad watched with horror at your mom calling for her then jumping to save her although he was too late she and him died at that day
End flash back
Tears where streaming down your face without your control you opened your red to look at Tamaki talking to you but you couldt hear him so you pulled the headphones and asked "come again ?" .. he looked worried "are you alright ?"he asked "why wouldn’t I be ?"you said coldly , he seemed hurt but smiled none the less "you are crying "he said you felt your cheeks and there were tears ' what the ' you thought "im ok you don’t have to pretend to care you know " ., he looked taken aback and mumbled "I care " but you couldn’t hear him " did you say something porcelain doll" you always called him like that he is just like them so fake . he looked really hurt but you shrugged it off "whatever im out of here " you said as you walked out of the class
Tamaki pov
' she is always so late and cold towards me especially me from the club , why ? does she hate me ? am I that much of annoyance to her , the only girl that makes me feel bad is the same girl who makes me feel weird like I want to stay with her for ever , what is this feeling ?!' you asked yourself as you saw her walk in and make a sarcastic comment to the teacher it always made you smile in the inside to see her conversation with the teacher she would always leave him dump struck you saw her coming to set behind you and you flashed her a smile but got returned in an emotionless stare it made you feel hurt you like her but she thinks you’re a phony kira closed her eyes and listened to music while taping her fingers on the table she seemed lost in her thoughts and tears stinged her beautiful skin she snapped her eyes open like she just saw a ghost and she looked at me "are you ok kira ?" you asked worried she didn’t hear so she took off the headphones "come again "she asked " are you alright ?" ,,"why wouldn’t I be ?"she asked coldly it made you hurt more but smile none the less " your crying "you said pointing on her eyes she touched her cheeks "im ok you don’t have to pretend to care you know " you got taken aback and mumbled "I care " but she couldn’t hear you " did you say something porcelain doll" she said she always called you that but these words coming from her made your heart throb with pain ,"whatever im out of here " she said as she walked out of the class room by the end of the class .' I wish you know how I feel ' you thought sadly .
The next day
Your pov
You walked to the third music room to see Haruhi as you opened the door the roses went flying in your face " damn these stupid flowers " you said "welco-"you cut them off " shut it where is Haru girl "you always called her that you love to give nicknames to people "in the back room , did you come to see her "asked Tamaki you gave him a blank look " why else would I be here ?" you asked " to hang with us "he continued and you gave sarcastic laugh " why would I waist my time in this shit you guys are stupid playing with the girls hearts thinking its fun to make money out of it not aware of how much hurt you cause them after your lying and deceiving , your life is build on lies and fake acts your scum and no person with his full mind would dice agree with that "you spat Tamaki looked shocked and really hurt he dropped his head down "kira that was harsh " said Haruhi coming out of the room "I was telling the truth , lets move now I cant stay here I have to …. I have to…*cough* not now "you said straggling to stay standing "Haruhi ill see you after school at 4 here bye " you said quickly walking to the door and leaving "whats wrong with her ?" asked Tamaki as you left "nothing " said haruhi as she sighed .
Ff to 4 pm
You walked to the third music room and opened the door it was quite no one there , you hoped to see Tamaki he is a porcelain doll and all but deep down you felt bad for what you said to him not all the guys are like ex but still he lies and acts "haruhi??" you called out but no answer you walked to the window to see the sun in the sky shining to leave soon it was winter after all you heared aome voices out side the door " come on Hikaru close the door and lets go "Said one of the twins "ok wait a second ill close it and we could go home then , but are you sure there is no one here " asked the other one "yeah I checked already lets go "he locked the door and left 'wait lock ? home? Leave? Oh no they locked me in ' you thought late figuring out "hey hey wait you idiots " but they were gone you searched you buckets for your phone but it wasn’t with you , you left it in your bag in the class "JUST GREAT " you yelled frustrated "what is ?"came a voice , you turned to see Tamaki "what are you doing here ?" you asked " I was sleeping in the back room when I heard you yell "he said then there was along silence between you two ' I have to say sorry now now now ' yout thought "they locked us in "you said 'that wasn’t it' you mentally smacked your head "oh do you have a phone ?"he asked " I left it at class " .. "oh me too " he said then there was along puse "are you gonna stay standing ?"he asked as he sat down not once looking at you , you sighed and sat down next to him on he couch "im sorry" you whispered enough for him to hear his head snapped up and a smile crossed his face "its ok I know you hate me you don’t have to say anything "he said "I don’t hate you idiot I hate your actions you make the girls feel good but it is all a lie that some day will turn on you "you said " it did "he said sadly "huh?" you where confused now "it turned on me the girl I love thinks im a lire and a phony " he said avoiding your gaze " the girls know that its only acting and they like it that’s what we do like watching a show but we are the characters " he said , you where shocked ' he girl he loved says he is a lire and a phony it seems like ME NOWAY ' you thought as you stood up "you mean the girl …" you trailed off "yes its you I love you kira always did but you always gave me the cold stare and hurt feelings though I still loved you I know you might not believe me but I do love you "he said hope in his eyes , you where surprised then you sighed " even if you do I know I do too but I wont admit it because I know we wont work I gave you the cold looks and all the most you because I was afraid that id get hurt again and my wounds wont heal "you said as you looked down " I would never do that " " the host club ?" you asked "ill quite if its for you "he said grapping your hands you looked at him and soon felt his gentle lips on yours you froze in your place but soon kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck and his hands went to your waist pulling you closer to him the kiss lasted for a time but both of you pulled for air "you know you turn me on " you said lustfully he smirked "oh… well… I …"he stuttered and you giggled and pushed him back to the couch kissing him again and sitting in his lap both legs on either sides you stock your tongue in his mouth exploring as he did too you pulled away and smiled " I love you " you said and he smiled "I love you too and to be honest I want you now I always waited for us to be together I want you so badly "he said lifting you up to the back room and entering it had a small single bed and he lied you on it sitting on top of you he looked deep in your eyes as he leaned down it was now night as he leaned down kissing you passionately showing love his hand traveled on your hole body taking off you clothes as you did to him both of you had a magical night together and you fell down tired on Tamakis body after the second time of going on it you where breathing heavily " that was great , its my first time " he said happy " me too we lost it together " you laughed tiredly , you took your self out of him and lied next to him he gathered you in his arms " I love you " he said " me too " you said as you let sleep take over you ..
You wake up in the morning looking around you to see your self in tamaki's hands you smiled happy to have him but suddenly your breathing got harder and you sat up got dressed and coughed but you ran out of the room before you wake him up you saw the door and now it was open you ran through it coughing up blood as you moved to the stairs trying to balance your self but failed you tripped down and you felt like you where hitting rocks sharp rock the pain was a lot and so was the stairs the janitor saw you and ran to you calling an ambulance to take you to the hospital
Tamaki's pov
Its been three days since I and kira spent our night together she didn’t call she left in the morning I didn’t see here and she didn’t come to class for 3 days I guess she feels bad she didn’t want that but I guess I pressured her to much she might be now leaving for ever this place or she might not come back , oh god I love her let her be safe even if she hates me now , you walked to the host club and saw haruhi yes how come I forgot to ask her she is her friend "Haruhi !! do you know where is Kira ?" she gave a sad look and nod my heart fell to the floor what's wrong with my girl ?? my girl yes I love her a lot "Kira is in the hospital she have been for three days now her breathing is getting worse and now she is in surgery " she said you couldn’t believe it hospital surgery you fell to your knees how couldn’t I know ? how ?' you cried as you saw Haruhi crouch next to you " do you love her ?" she asked you nod " then what are you doing here ?"she asked you looked at her then smiled running to the hospital that Haruhi told you about as you got there so tired and out of breath you finally reached her room she finished surgery and now she was in a room alone her aunt was away in a work travel and the surgery went will she will not have the sickness again .. you walked to the door and opened it hesitantly but as you walked to the bed you saw her tired forum lying there "Kira" you whispered as you sat next to her … it was now night you where waiting for her to wake up , you held her hand and felt it got squeezed you looked at her and her eyes opened "Tama….ki" she whispered " hush your tired rest first " you said stepping closer to her " I – thought …- I wont …. See you " she said tears in her eyes " don’t say that your surgery was a success now your good don’t worry sweety "you said kissing her cheek she smiled " Tamaki" she said "hummm?" you asked as you sat next to her on the bed playing with her hair " I love you " she said and smiled " I love you too there for I was thinking that .."he trailed off as he got up and pulled a box from his bucket " would you be mine for ever and be my wife be Kira souh ?" he asked hope in his eyes " tamaki "tears ran down your eyes "id love to spend my life with you " you said and he grinned placing the ring on your left finger as he kissed you passionately

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