Thursday, December 9, 2010

could you be more of an idiot ?(tamaki one shot)


You were walking throw the halls of ouran high school, your school for 2 years now since you transfer here , you grow close to tamaki his father knew your father and they are best friends , so you and tamaki know each other a lot , you love tamaki you loved him ever since you met him but he is to dense to tell , he was the only reason you transferred to his school ouran .
You stood in front of the door to the 3d music room you helped there as a waitress, you never wore he school uniform , youd only wear a black skirt and the top of the guys uniform but it was designed for a girl with a lot of curves such as you ,
You entered the room to be met by the handsome men welcoming you , a smile grow on your pale face with your green eyes scanning the room to met the most beautiful eyes of tamaki "hello "you said to them "hi misa "they replayed "so you died your jair I like it more than blue black suits your beautiful face "said tamaki , you blushed and looked down "thanks " you whispered , yes he is the only person you feel shy around your heart race so fast and your breath get caught in your throat , he smiled and went to host the girl you hated it , that he would look at other girls and touch them hed never hug you or shack your hand you think he hates you so much he don’t want to touch you , your eyes water up but you don’t let the tears be seen you cover your face with your long bangs ' im sill in love with the man who hates me ' you thought sadly .
After closing the club koyoya announced "tomorrow we are going to my family's privet beach you guys well come right "he asked they all agreed but you "i—don’t think – ill come "you said cussing every one to look a you "but why ?" asked haruhi " mmm I don’t feel like it "you lied you didn’t want to go because of him but also he was the one to interrupt your thoughts " she will come ill make sure of it "tamaki said , you looked at him surprised but didn’t say a thing .
It was noon you were at home today tamaki said hed make you come but how? , also him and his father are coming over to dinner , it would be the four of you , your mom died a long time ago .
As you got up took a shower and then got dressed in a light blue dress it was strapless and reached your knees with black high heels you let your hair down as you started putting light make up it was maskarah and lip gloss you looked so cute .
The bell rang and someone opened the door greeting tamaki and his father , you walked down stairs to meet them "hi mr souh nice seeing you again "you said bowing "oh beautiful as usual misa "he said smiling "thank you "you smiled then looked at tamaki who was buzled a little "hi"you waved in front of his face causing him to back away from you so further more , you showed a sad look but covered it with your hair "oh my friend "came the voice of your father you turned around to see him and tamakis dad being there goofy selfs a smile came to your face as they went in to the living room leaving you with tamaki "you should go in" you said still giving him your back and not looking at him , he shifted abet then said " I will spend the night here "that cused you to turn fast that you came face to face with him his eyes widened and he backed away "why ? "you asked confused "to make sure your going tomorrow "he replayed standing strait and walking closer to you "I already said im not going "you said to him now staring at his face "why ? its gonna be fun ".."what is it to you really ? as if you'd care ! you will be spending time with your girls now wont you " you glared and left him dump struck .
Tamakis pov
Every time she get close to me I could feel my heart want to burst of my chest I love her so much that I think if I touch her I wont get enough id want more . just looking at her makes my heart race she might not think of me like that , I know it its impossible . I thought as I went in
Your pov
Tamakis dad left and your dad went to bed leaving you and tamaki "since you came and wants to sleep here I guess you could sleep at my room because we repainted all of the rooms but mine and dad "you said , he blushed and nod , both of you went up stairs and into your room it wasn’t so big you hated big rooms like tamakis t was medium size with ing size bed and all the things you need in a bed room , he went in and made him self comfortable on your bed ,you giggled "what ?"he asked "its just I never imagined youd end up sleeping on my bed "he blushed and you covered your mouth " I didn’t mean it in that kind of way " you said waving your hands "its ok I know "he said getting up and walking to you "you need to pack "he said getting closer to you " but I – ""your going " he said taking your hand and facing you to the closet "now pack "he said, turned around and went back to your bath changing to his bj he brought it with him it was just shorts , he walked out and lied on the bed you blushed "I guess ill rest a bet until you finish then Ill sleep on the floor "he said and you started packing your stuff into a bag , it took you an hour to finish as you did you looked back at tamaki his eyes were closed so you thought he was asleep you turned around so you could take of your dress but the zipper got stuck you struggled with it for a bit but it didn’t work suddenly you felt someone touch your shoulder and unzip the dress, you turned your head to see tamaki he started sliding the dress off of you and you blushed "tamaki " he turned you around so you are facing him then turned you so your now facing the closet and your back to him ,you felt his lips on your neck as he removed the dress letting it lie on the floor "ah tamaki "you couldnt help but moan "what are you doing ?"you asked surprised "im marking you" he said as he turned you around again .there was a red hicky on your neck now your arms were covering your naked breasts but he put his hands removing your arms "ta-amak-i?" you stuttered his lips met yours in a passionate kiss you gasped giving him the aberrantly to slip his tongue in exploring your mouth his hands were on your breasts caressing it and you kissed him back with much passion as this went on like 5 minutes he pulled away "im sorry "he said you didn’t care of what he said so you pushed him towards the bed penning him down on the hips "now why'd you be sorry "you said seductively "um- I –"he stuttered you sighed and got up taking the dress of the floor "your really are an idiot you cant understand can you ?"you said you put on your bj and went to get out of the room "wait "tamaki said grapping your arm "what is that I don’t understand you hate me don’t you "he asked confused " you’re an idiot I love you tamaki I don’t hate you "you blurted out , he was shocked and let go of your arm "I – don’t –know what to –ssa-yy"he stuttered , you looked at him in like are you that stupid then walked out of the room sleeping in the living room on the couch while crying .
Next morning you wake up to see tamaki staring at you "is it normal for you to stare at peoples sleeping face "you said coldly as you got up , he blushed and lowered his head "your mad at me ?"he asked "baka" you muttered as you went to your room took your outfit and changed to a black jeans and a yellow shirt , there was a knock on the door "come in" you said tamak entered "are you ready ?"he asked avoiding your gaze "yes" you said coldly again . both of you went to the car, the whole trip was silence he would glance at you but you wont look at him you decided you'd ignore him .
You two arrived to the beach and saw everyone "hey you came misa-chan "said hunny "yeah "you replayed "will how was your car trip we had so much fun what about you?"asked hikaru tamaki glanced at you but you paid no intention "it was quite" replayed tamaki everyone could feel the weird atmosphere between both of you "whats going on senpai ?"asked haruhi " nothing we should go swim " you said cheerfully lying , they all nod and you all went to the beach the guys changed into there swim suits as so did you
Changed into the pic
that’s what you wore
as everyone swam and had a good time you went in the sea and started swimming to a shade under a cliff, the sun was sitting and you raised your hand reaching a rock that was coming down of the big cliff you where down the cliff in the water , you sighed as you dropped your head down , "misa " tamaki's voice came you snapped your head up to see him in front of you "what are you doing here?" you asked , he smiled" swimming ", "oh" you said as you dropped your head again , you could feel a hand on your cheek as you looked up to meat tamaki's eyes "im sorry, I didn’t mean to be so stupid I was surprised that’s all "he said "its fine ".."no its not…I…I….love you misa I always did "your eyes widened he actually loves you , you throw your self in his waiting arms hugging him ever so tightly " I love you too tamaki so much ".."good because id never let you go "he said hugging you as tight as he could but still being gentle after the emotional hug you both kissed forgetting to swim which caused you to sink down but that wont separate you from each other you will live a happy life with love of your life .
the end

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