Thursday, December 9, 2010

Far away but still in my heart (yahiro saiga love story)one shot

Name : yurai shigame
Age :15
Family :her mom live in France while her dad lives in Japan they are divorced
Personality : shy , sweet , funny , caring
Looks when your younger (you know the time when yahiro and akira where young )
and when your 15

when your young now time is
"Yahiro "your younger self called as you jumped on his back hugging him "I missed you why did you leave ?"you whined , but he smiled "because I had to go with dad "he said hugging you "lets go play "you said dragging him to the park where you two sat on the swings "the month that you left I really got bored all alone "you said sadly he looked at you then smiled " I got bored too I missed you though "his smile made you blush and your heart race … then you two heard a voice calling , both of you turned right and saw it was akira "hi yahiro " she greeted his eyes let up when he saw her and went to her "hi akira I was going to look for you but yurai saw me and we started talking "he smiled at her , it made you feel uneasy like something is wrong you already knew you love him but does he really not see it ??"do you want to play catch "she said and yahiro nod "ok its on you yurai , catch us "she said and both of them ran, you where still surprised but recovered fast and went after them as you ran you bombed into someone , it was a kid that said that he didn’t like yahiro "its yurai "he smirked then bent to bick you up as he did he said "so you are hanging with yahiro , are you doing that so your company will get ahead like us ?"he asked "what ?"you asked confused "do you like yahiro ?"he asked again "I mmmm what do you mean like ?"you asked "so you don’t like him and you spend time with him because of your father right ?"he asked smirking "no I don’t like yahiro I I I love him " you said tears where falling from your eyes " he cant see that "he said and then left
Yahiros pov
Yurai was so close to catch me and akira but we hide behind the boshes yurai ran faster and bombed into that kid that he said he don’t like me but was forced to play with me he helped her up as he asked" so you are hanging with yahiro , are you doing that so your company will get ahead like us ?"he asked "what ?"she asked him sounding confused "do you like yahiro ?"he asked again "I mmmm what do you mean like ?"she asked him yet again 'she doesn’t like me is she like them ?' I thought in my head "so you don’t like him and you spend time with him because of your father right ?"he asked smirking "no I don’t like yahiro I –"that was enough for you not to hear anymore as you got up and left ' I cant believe her she hates me the girl I love hates me 'I thought
Your pov
It was sunset and you walked back to where yahiros home was he was standing there waiting for you "yahiro where have you been I searched for you ever-"you where cut off as he glared at you and yelled " don’t act like you care because you don’t , you’re a lire just like all of them "he yelled , you could feel your heart breaking down and your tears falling down your beautiful face "im not like –"you where cut off again " DON’T TALK TO ME AGAIN I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU I HATE YOU "he yelled and left you sat there crying on your knees as he left you alone 'I love you so much why cant you see that' you thought
(akira already went home by her parents )
Yahiros pov
Its been 3 days since you shouted on yurai the girl you love the only girl that you wished shed turn different from others and love you back but that didn’t happen she is just like them
"yahiro "akira said breaking me out of my thoughts "yeah " I said coldly "there is something you need to know when you left that day I stayed and listened to what yurai told the boy "she said eyes down "what do you mean ?"I asked confused "she said that she didn’t like you .. but continued and said that she …she loves you yahiro .."she replayed softly , my eyes widened as much as they could I didn’t stay and listen to her that day I ran off before I could listen to all what she said and when she tried to explain I told her that I hate her I have to find her ' I thought as I got up and left to find my first love …. Knocking on there door …the maid answered "oh master yahiro how can I help you "she asked smiling "I want to see yurai "you blurted out , the maid looked surprised but the smile once was on her face faded away with a look of sadness "sir yurai left to france to stay with her mother "the maid said , I gasped hurt and sad all over tears ran down my face as the maid looked surprised ad worried "are you alright ?"she asked "is she coming back ?"you asked again but the maid looked sad even more and few tears escaped her eyes as she shook her head and went in closing the door ..i stood there frozen 'she isn’t coming back she must hate me after what I said to her im alone now ? she isn’t gonna play with me anymore ? how could you leave me yurai how could you ?'you thought as you ran home crying yourself to sleep
Years passed your now 15 years old and still you never saw yurai or heard from her she was just gone as there was no info's on her in any place … she hide better than I thought… even akira hated me and didn’t want to see me
Your pov
Its been years since you left Japan and today was your first coming back , you had to enroll in a school and whats better than the Private Hakusen Academy, you where so good that you got in the sa class .
as you walked to the green house your hair blow with the wind your eyes shining in the sun light as your pink lips showed a smile since you came back home .
you entered the green house and saw 3 girls and 4 boys but what caught your intention is her out of all people she was here "akira?" you questioned confused to see her again "yurai ?"she asked and you nod she smiled and hugged you , you where taken aback of her reaction not that you hate her but feel jealous of her you still love him after all these years …"so who are you ?"asked kei "she is my friend from long ago "akira said happily "hey every one im yurai shigame I just came from france im new here , nice o meet you all "you bowed shyly as you smiled "hi im hikari this is tadashi ,jun,megomy,takishima ,ruuy and you already know akira "she smile "nice to meet you ".."so you came back I thought you left for good why did you leave without saying goodbye "akira whispered "it was actually sudden my mom told dad that she would roan his work if he didn’t let me go see her and with that I stayed there until I could sy I want to go back and here im "you said the completed " I guess nobody actually cared if I was there or not its all the same "you replayed " I did care you where my friend and he ..he"she couldn’t say his name what happened " wait please tell me he isn’t coming to this school too "you panicked you didn’t want to see him you didn’t want to feel hurt again to see your heart breaking once more or the look on his face when he said I hate you it made you weak to feel all these emotions just because of him "no no he isn’t don’t worry "she said waving her hands in a way , you smiled as you sighed relieved .
a month later
you have come to be friends with all the sa members and specially akira after you knew she loved tadashi
"so yurai do you waana go with us ?"asked hikari "go where ?"you asked confused " to the culture festival ha what do you say ?"she asked again cheerfully "I guess " you said unsure.
The next day you came to the school and there stood a weird looking bus with a pink rabbit on it "what's with this bus "you asked confused then everyone showed up with kai who was holding envelops "hikari told me to give this to you guys "he said "invitation to an after school tour of kokusen academy ?"you asked as you read (ep 17) "im not going on this bus noway "you said and everyone agreed going with you .as you entered the guys started going to help out in hosting the ladies and you stood there watching them … hours passed you where having so much fun at the carnival with akira but then she said something about the marriage meeting "you cant go you don’t want to so why go ?"you asked " its not that I don’t want to its just that he isn’t noticing me "she said on tadashi "maybe he is slow you have to tell him in the end "you smiled at her "your right "she said and then left to the party sat on the chair your red one shoulder dress hugged your body it wasn’t so short or so long it was just down your knees your blonde hair was up with a red rose sticking in it and some tress falling of it on your beautiful pale skin the make up was light but the gloss was like fire red it made everyone look at you in surprise and lust you where so gorgeous the boys wanted to go out with you and asked you on dates but youd never say yes he was still on your mind his smile that always made you feel happy his eyes that showed so much concern but he hated you now he didn’t want to see you ever that is the truth .
Yahiro pov
i where part of the comity that made the festival as i where in the party i heard some girls talking about a girl .. i was curious to know who this girl that everyone seemed to notice but me ..some girls talking "oh she is so beautiful I wish I had I silky hair like hers ".."yeah her eyes are so great like the blue ocean "another girl said a picture of her came throw my mind but i shock it off 'it cant be she is in france if she was back id know !!wouldnt I ?'i thought "what is her name ?"asked a girl " its yu yur something along these words "some guy asked "oh brother hi ".."hi ""so you don’t know who this girl is ?"asked his sister "no but every guy here seem to want her "he said as he pointed at a blond girl sitting on a chair with a red dress my eyes widened as I started getting closer to her ' its…..its her …' ithought happy and shocked for the first time in so long "Yurai ?"I questioned not sure if she would look up but she did her face went pale paler than her skin is she got up slowly tears building up in her eyes "Ya..hiro?"she stuttered I nod while aproching her but she only did the unexpected she ran away she ran away from me but I couldn’t handle losing her not again I sprinted out fallowing her "YURAI"I yelled but she didn’t stop
your pov
you was sitting there thinking when you heard someone call your name you looked up only to be shocked surprised and all the hurt feelings came back again "yurai?"he questioned " yahiro "you asked and he nod tears wild up in your eyes as you got up and ran away but he followed you "YURAI"he yelled but you didn’t listen to him ran and ran but he was faster than you he held you from behind and hugged you tightly "don’t run "he whispered you could feel tears on your naked shoulder "let go of me .. I dont want to see you let go "you cried out but his grip on you didn’t loosen it got even tighter "im sorry Im so sorry that it had to go that road im so sorry that I didn’t believe you and im more sorry to lie when I said I hate you im sorry "he said turning you around to face him "you *sob* said you don’t want to see me you didn’t want me around you it was better to just leave and never come back I shouldn’t come back here it was a mistake "you cried even more "don’t say that , that day when I knew you left my heart broke down to pieces I didn’t know what to do but cry I tried looking for you every where but you never been found "he said holding up your chin so you could look at him "the day I said that I hate you I was sad and angry I heard you talk to the boy and he asked if you like me and you said no , so I ran away so I wont see you and when you left akira told me what you really said you said … that love me .."he said smiling at the thought , you gasped " how did you ? and her ? hear ?"you asked confused "we where hiding "he said coolly you nodded and he continued "I did too !!"he said "did what ??"you asked unsure "I did love you "he smiled and continued " and still do more than anything in the world "he said hopping you'd say the same "I .. I still love you so much as well even more I thought that you hate me and didn’t want to talk to me ever again but now saying that you love me you don’t know how much it made me feel happy "you smiled " im glad "that was the last thing he said as his face closed to your it was gonna be your first kiss just like him , but suddenly he withdraw , you felt hurt and he showed a scared look then said in horror " you don’t have a boy friend do you ?"you smirked and wanted to teas him "it depends on what your going to do"you said shyly , he smiled and said "you never change as for that youll be my girl from now on "he said without asking your say he kissed you the most passionate kiss ever your heart skipped so many beats as your face heat up but soon you kissed back with the same passion "I love you girlfriend "he smiled and you giggled " I love you too boyfriend ".
2 months later you and yahiro where together you got closer to each other and become more lovely -dove every one was surprised of his that yahiro was acting like that but they didn’t like your relationship with him that much but soon it was ok two now where sitting on the roof of his house you in-between his legs and resting your head on his chest "I never thought this day would come "you smiled happily "me too but we are finally together love , and for that he stood up taking you with him "because I love you so much I need to ask you this "he said as he pent down on one knee " I know we are young and all but you know how it goes in our families so yurai shigame will you marry me ?"he asked hope in his eyes and he was so happy "your crazy "you said with shock it surprised him and he looked hurt "but I love you more than I could say so yes I would "you said as he slipped the ring on your left finger and kissed you spinning you around in circles.

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