Thursday, December 9, 2010

i guess you really dont care (zero kiryu)oneshot
'just why don’t he look at me like he did to her >>?'you thought as you glanced at your partner zero , he has been more to himself than ever since yuki left, since raido came and the vampires left the school .
You have fallen for him ever since you laid your eyes on him , you had become his partner in hunting vampires .
You sat on the roof of the sun dorms gazing at the moon and the stars while zero cleaned his gun ' I have to tell him what I feel 'you thought as you called his name "zero", he glanced at you and then looked back at his gun "*sigh* I have to tell you something "you said and he still didn’t look up and continued cleaning the gun "zero … I – I – I love you" you said , he stopped cleaning the gun and finally looked at you "anaki you know that Im still tired from what happened so I can't say that I feel the way as you do for me "he said emotionless "I won't give up I will try hard until you do , because I love you so much zero" you said as tears spread down your face "then you'll have to wait a lot "he said as he got up and left .
He still loves her from the moment she took care of him is that why he loved her ? but I was there too ,I took care of him more , right after he head master helped him and let him live with him I was brought too after the death of my family , zero was a kid and he was close to her , I hated her so much because she took him from me even though she loved kaname , I loved zero so much , he is my life , I always helped him when he needed blood id give him , when he suffered I held him , while she only hurt him , then why does he love her ?WHY?' you thought angrily as you bunched the ground .
A month later still no progress he would always be the cold hearted man he always is . as you two finished your mission you went to eat dinner as only co-workers with no words exchanged even if you said anything he wouldn’t talk ,*sigh* tomorrow you had a mission alone and you were exited about it "hey zero , do you know what im doing tomorrow "you said cheerily , he glanced at you with those violet eyes "I don’t care "he said coldly "I guess you don’t" you said quietly hurt , every time you would say anything he would always say those words' I don’t care ' , you sighed again as you took hold of your drink then drank it all in one slip "zero I love you" you said knowing he won't replay and as you said he didn’t , you two walked back to school in silence and the sky started to rain , and you stepped closer to zero because you were shivering , but he didn’t look at you nor did he come closer .
the next day you went on the mission and did great job but you also broke your arm "what happened to you " he asked , finally he talked "I had a mission alone yesterday "you said "why didn’t I know ?"he asked pissed off , you glared at him sick of this act "I guess because you don’t care" you said coldly leaving him stunned abet at your act all of a sudden he huffed as he left too.
Its been always like this you say I love you and he wouldn’t replay and when you say anything he didn’t care .
5 years later
You stopped saying I love you to him from 2 years you still do but you grow tired of his cold act you , your hyper ,cheerful ,personality changed so much your now silent cold and distant, you hate yourself for this its not you it’s the tired you and after 5 years of trying to make him love you but he didn’t change, so you took a hard design you are leaving tomorrow (you two graduated but still live in cross academy ).
Its night and you where sitting with zero at the dinner table that the head master made for you two.
Zero's pov
I've been straggling to forget yuki but when anaki told me she loved me I – I started to feel something weird inside of me, like the pain I felt from yuki started to vanish by the day that I would spend with anaki every time she told me she loved me id be happy and smile from the inside but she stopped saying I love you for two years she even became cold and she wont speak to me . I would glance at her and she would be spacing out hurt showing in her eyes her beautiful blue eyes that I came to love so much , but why do I feel like if I told her my true feelings id only be hurt again ! but then again she wont be like yuki she loves me or that is what I still hope for .
Anaki's pov\your pov
You where eating at the table with zero in front of you he was showing a feeling in his eyes that you couldn’t know what is it , struggle, pain ? , longing ?? he maybe still misses her *sigh*"zero ?"you questioned its been a long time since you called his name "hum?"he said showing he is listening "do you know what im doing tomorrow ?"you asked from a long time you didn’t ask him this question "he raised a eyebrow "I don’t care "he said again burring his head in his food hiding a smirk ' he is enjoying torturing me will I guess he wont enjoy it anymore because im leaving ' you thought *sigh*"I love you zero "you said as you stood up , he dropped his fork and watched you "I know I was nothing but a pain for you and you don’t like me and all , im very sorry for all the trouble I caused you , and im sorry for saying I love you when I know that you won't say a thing and it bothers you , but I promises you that you won't hear it again , it was a great honor to work with you for so long zero kiryuu ,*bow* good night I hope you find luck in your life and don’t stick to the past that much "you said smiling , the smile that came to your beautiful face that showed nothing but sadness for the past years , you bowed again and left to your room .
Zero pov
What was that all about , wait she still loves me and she wont say it again ? what did she mean by that ? I do like her I love her even more than anything .
Your pov
You walked to the car that will get you to your distention which is away from all of this drama , away from the pain source , and away from zero .
As you got in you took a final look at cross academy then told the driver to drive off ……………
A month later
You settled in a small town , as you worked part time in a market and the other time as a vampire hunter , you didn’t hear from zero from anyone , every night you'd remember him his eyes, his hair , his scent , you longed to be next to him to feel him but that won't happen you won't go back there your heart already died because the one you love hated you , you'd cry every night too.
One rainy day you where coming back from work walking home you came closer to the door when you saw a sitting figure in front of the door , you couldn’t see will but when you got closer you were shocked it was ….none other than your beloved one zero he was soaked wet and crouching in front of your home , "what are you doing here?"you asked shocked "first open the door Im freezing "he said shivering you nod and open the door clumsily you where having mixed up emotion , finally the door opened and both of you walked in "wait here ill go get you a towel "you said as he sat on the couch but when you where about to go he grabbed your wrist pulling you to the couch with him and lying on top of you , you couldn’t utter words shock took over your body but you wasn’t sure that this was zero he would never do such a thing ,as that thought went through your head your gone rose to his chest moving him away from you , his eyes winded as he felt the gun "who are you "you spat , his face that was shocked showed more pain "you forgot me ?"he asked "your not zero he would never act like this who sent you ?"you asked again he shook his head suddenly grabbing the gun and removing it from your hands and again pushing you under him on the couch "you’re an idiot its me zero you see"he said as he pointed at the tattoo on his neck the one that yuki gave him "z-zero ?"you questioned and he nod "why did you leave?" he asked "why wouldn’t I ?"you replayed "were you lying ?"he asked" why do you care?".."don’t you care for me ?"…"do you ?".."stop questioning !! answer me "he snapped "what the hell is it with you , I left because I couldn’t take it anymore I spent my life loving you but you wont care so I left I got tired why are you here ? why did you come? I was relieved I left and now you’re here WHY "you yelled through tears, but got no respond instead you felt lips touching your own and kissing you passionately, it took you so much to register in your head what is happening until finally you kissed him back.. The kiss was so passionate that you melted in his hands..After a while he pulled away "having you for so long beside me and the next second you're gone , I couldn’t pair it I was feeling miserable I had to find you I had to because I love you "he said kissing you again you kissed him back knowing that your life from now on will only change ^_____^

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